Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
hello ppl! :) found a very nice phrase from minshi's blog n pasted it here. to be exact,above. thanks minshi!
i realise thr are a lot of inspiring things or words or phrases in minshi's blog,thus i like to read her blog :)
well today is another day for me. phew.
woke up at 8. tat was early for me cos during the holidays i normally sleep until 10+ cos i always read till 1 or 2 in the morning(or should i call it night?) thanks to my sis for putting an alarm.-.-
read another chapter of Breaking Dawn n then slept a little while more but it was really bright.
went to eat mac with mum while sis was asleep at home. haha. when we came back she was still asleep. -.- good sleeper i should say.
then went to Jurong point with mum n sis. brought stuff from popular which are mostly pens. for me. duh.
then went to look around n walk around until 1+ n took 198 to sch.
on the bus, sharmaine sms-ed me n we had a really LAME conversation.
she called me to get a wheel chair when i was lame. LAME! -.-
it's no wonder she is called 'THE LAME QUEEN!'
we shld have an award for her. especially made for sharmaine tan.
reached sch around 1.50pm, choir's going to start soon n i went to the music room seeing limhui panting behind me. cos she was actually behind me n shouting for me but i didn't hear cos i was wearing earphones.obviously.
then when we saw ms yin came, i had a mouthful of water n WAS GOING to spit it out haha. but i managed to swallow it n cough like hell. haha. limhui had a good laugh -.-
choir lasted for 3 hours. as usual.today ms yin was in a good mood. thank goodness.
sang a twist in the tongue then learn the song Song By The Seashore. jap song. quite easy cos the rhythm was mostly the same. today only 10 ppl came out of 21 ppl in sop 2. so pathetic. charmaine wasn't here cos she went overseas. the last time i saw her was during open house. i miss her. n i got presents from jaslyn n charmaine today haha. :D
ms yin was in a good mood cos she joked. she joked tat our sch is a Band 9 sch! even though we are actually a Band 1 sch now... but she say our choir is like a choir from a Band 9 sch. everyone had a good laugh n huishan said :'we are not THAT bad bah.' n ms yin replied:' U ARE THAT BAD!' with a sarcastic smile haha.
got home at 6 n had dinner n blah blah then i am here blogging now.
my post is really boring today so i am sorry. but too bad u finish reading it alr.
Friday, December 25, 2009
just watched the movie Sky of Love/恋空
i must say,it is really a very nice movie.
tears flooded my room. haha kidding. but i think close to it.
yesterday was christmas n channel u got the 绝对男友 special edition. i cried n flooded my living room too. lucky no one saw it. :)
a lot of questions i had after i watched it, why can't knight stay with riiko? why must knight destroy himself in order the give riiko happiness? i thought it will only hurt riiko more than ever for her to lose knight. was i wrong? n knight is the only robot i have seen who shed tears. weird.
the two movies really strained my tears. now my eyes hurts.
shall go read my book now. Breaking Dawn! now Bella is going to marry Edward. finally. haha.
first things first,
it's really sad to see it's raining on the day of christmas.
good news,i finish Eclipse alr!
i just started reading it on tues n i have finished it today, fri.
it really shocks me to see i m reading so quickly.
anyway going to move on to Breaking Dawn.
feeling anti-social
Firstly, i hate 304. (maybe i haven grown to like it yet.) cos ppl in 304 are not all very friendly.
Secondly, i miss 205. Badly.
Thirdly, i felt guilty today during cca extravagenza for being anti-social. Therefore, i m sorry.
Fourthly, i got chinese homework whr u have to write 500 words for a stupid self intro.wtf.
Fifthly, my Physics sucks to the core.
Sixthly, i feel like sleeping when i know i can't.
Seventhly, i am anti-social in class COS I DUNNO WHO TO SOCIALISE WITH! @#$%$#%!
ok i m done ranting.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
just went to meet weiting so i can take my chinese homework.
guess who i saw?
i think only combined choir de ppl noe lah.
i think his name is yu jin or yu jun,i not very sure.
but he obviously dun know me at all. -.-
but i do know him cos i saw a lot of pictures of him on charmaine's blog. haha.
nvm, anyway i got the chinese paper 2 frm weiting but i dunno how am i going to it,with weiting's answers already on it? maybe i shall not do at all n tell the teacher i dun hav the paper :P
later maybe going out with family to orchard road or something. cos we always go thr whenever it's christmas. it's because orchard has nice lightings and plus, we have no whr else to go to celebrate christmas.
btw korh is back alr. going to meet him after the first day of sch cos obviously i cannot go out in the holidays.
today minshi n ppl are going to celebrate limbin's birthday. *sniff* i want to go too!
though limbin's birthday is on 26 dec,i shall wish him a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HERE! :D
just bear with me if not get out of my blog.
here is a song from the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic
this songs just make me smile no matter how many times i listen to it. :)
(but i don't like akon's voice :P)
Shontelle ft. Akon – Stuck with Each Other
You can think you can get free
You think you won’t need me
That you’re gonna get you somethin’ better
But you know that we’re in this forever
And you can think you can walk out
Even with your doubts
But you know that we’re in this together
You can try to push me from you
Nothing you do will keep us a part
Cause it’s too late, there’s no escape
Might as well face it, baby we’re stuck with each other
Stuck with each other
Ain’t nothin you can do about it
It’s been too long, it’s been too strong
Cause we belong here
Baby, we’re stuck with each other
Stuck with each other
Stuck in love with each other
(stuck in love with each other)
Now I can say that I would not care
If you were not there
Tell myself that I’ll be fine without ya
but I would die if I was not around ya
and I can try to convince you
I don’t need to be with you
But my only thoughts are thoughts about ya
What can I do, love is like glue
There’s no way to
Tear us a part
Cause it’s too late (too late, too late)
There’s no escape, might as well face it
Baby we’re stuck with each other
Stuck with each other (with each other)
Ain’t nothin i can do about it
It’s been too long, it’s been too strong
Yes, we belong here
Baby we’re stuck with each other
Stuck with each other
(stuck with each other)
stuck in love with each other
(stuck in love with each other)
There’s nothing i’d rather do
Than to sit with you forever
Can’t think of nothing better
Than to be stuck with you
Cause it’s too late, there’s no escape
Might as well face it
baby we’re stuck with each other
Stuck with each other
Ain’t nothin we can do about it
Oh yeah
Cause it’s too late, there’s no escape
Might as well face it
baby we’re stuck with each other
Stuck with each other
Ain’t nothin I can do about it
It’s been too long, it’s been too strong
Yes, we belong here
baby, we’re stuck with each other
Stuck with each other
Stuck in love with each other
(Stuck in love with each other)
Cause it’s too long, it’s been too strong
Yes we belong here
baby we’re stuck with each other
Stuck with each other
Stuck in love with each other
Cause it’s too long, it’s been too strong
Yes we belong here
baby we’re stuck with each other
Stuck with each other
Stuck in love with each other
Stuck in love with each other
Ain’t nothin gonna stop me and you eh
Cause you know we just stuck like glue eh
Ain’t nothin we can do
We stuck in love with each other
nice song :)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
hello :) it's another day at home with my sis today.
i suddenly want to see all my primary sch friends. :( i wonder when i can see them again..maybe new year? but still,it's very long away.
been listening to Leave (get out) by Jojo n i really like the chorus! :D
don't give me the you-are-slow face cos i m like tat. :P
i don't think anyone is comin to my blog anymore since no one is tagging n i m really disappointed. :( tag pls ppl!
i have decided to go watch new moon myself since i don't think anyone can watch with me. maybe i'll go on the first day of sch,mon. anyone interested? (i guess not-.-)
after a week more school is going to started! i will miss 205 but i sure want to meet my sec 3 friends! complicated feelings.
still has a bunch of homework waiting for me to finish but i just don't feel like doing.
shall continue with my book, Eclipse. it makes me excited :)
Monday, December 21, 2009
but these few days i realise i haven been going out n i did nothing at home other then staring at my comp.
so i m still reading my book. now i m already on Eclipse! *excited*
just watched Twilight the movie on youtube i think it is really nice n i suddenly want to watch new moon...but unfortunately i bet most of my friends has alr watched it so no one would be so stupid enough to watch it again with me.. :(
anyway i think Edward is really handsome n Jacob is really hot! haha but i don't like his long hair. short hair makes him look... HOT. haha. i wonder what will happen to Bella in the end...but i am soon going to find out after i read finish Eclipse n Breaking Dawn.
Oh yeah, by the way i found out that there is another book after Breaking Dawn, so there is the 5th book? it's called Midnight Sun. is it in book stores yet? i sure want to buy it. :)
but i found out that the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun has been leaked out n now i got the first 12 chapters in PDF form in my comp.(cause i downloaded it. :X)
summary of Midnight Sun is that this book is in the perspective of Edward instead of Bella in the last 4 books n talks about what Edward is thinking from the start he met Bella, how he fell in love with her n how he controlled himself n blah blah,u get it.
i think i will start reading Midnight Sun when i finish Breaking Dawn, it's better to follow in sequence.
so if anyone of you wans the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun, just leave a tag or something or go find it urself.
anyway i thought Edward is really sweet in the book,described by Bella, for instance when he went hunting, he left a note for Bella which says:
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
it is a...........................................
Thursday, December 17, 2009
hello people :)
just watched another ep of 海派甜心,but i still think 下一站,幸福 is better :D
i still left one more chap of maths homework n i just did 3 jian bao.
wonder if i can finish it. :(
last night while i was reading new moon, songlin suddenly sms me n wish me happy birthday -.-
n it was going to b 17 dec?! but eventually i m so kind n forgive him haha. anyway my main point is i m going to finish new moon -.- still at the climax whr bella n alice are going to find the stupid edward who thought bella was died n went to commit suicide.
still a great book. :) i m glad i brought the whole set :)
minshi just called me n told me thr might b an outing on 24 dec but i m not sure whether i can go or not cos mom says she is going to ground me if i go out without doing finish my homework. :(
i dun wan to be grounded.. :(
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
i m back frm celebrating baocai's birthday n 2moro is going to be edeline's birthday
n 6 days later will b my birthday! woohoo!
woke up this morning feeling very tired..then ate breakfast n watched another ep of 下一站,幸福
now i m alr at ep 10 which i only started watching 2 days ago.
i think the storyline is very similar to 'Save The Last Dance for Me', except tat this is a taiwanese version. still, it's very nice :D
then prepare lunch for sis but forgot my lunch n went to JP to meet the others
reached thr around 1.30pm n the others were playing arcade.
ppl went today: zhikai,dennis,baocai,yeesiang,chenfeng,kina,steph,sharmaine,me
played arcade n was surprised to noe tat jp de arcade actually have neoprints *winks*
then we took neoprints but the neoprints were small(cos got 9 ppl) so cannot post up here cos it will b damn small.
then we went to the basketball court below weiting's house to play basketball but the ground is wet cos it rained.
then we played murderer at the voit deck n then when to play bball again when the rain stop then weiting came along.
then play then i don feel like playing le then went back to the voit deck to play cheat with chenfeng n yeesiang n weiting n baocai.
after tat i went home :D
13 dec i m going to celebrate my bday with minshi n ppl :D
i miss them but i m going to see everyone very soon! this sun :)
14 dec is choir outing n i m only allowed 3h. :(
15 dec is my bday n i m going out with 205 ppl to celebrate :DD
next sat i m going to go out with weiting to bugis to shop shop! :DD
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
today i m stuck at home cos of my sis. -.-
something happened yesterday n i m here to rant anyway.
yesterday i told my mum tat i m going out on thurs cos got choir comm meeting & eat with edeline at vivo n my mum told me to take my sis along. like wat the hell? then i say no i don wan n she tell me tat i only can leave the house for 3 hours n like wat the fuck she wans me to do in 3 hours lah?! 1h go vivo 1h come back then only left 1h to discuss n eat? wat the hell is she thinking anyway? lucky outing with min shi is on a sun so nvm cos sun dad is at home to take care of sis. but choir outing is on mon n she expects me to go thr for only 3hs? this is the first choir outing ever since i joined NHchoir n she wans me to go for only 3hs? actually is 1h to be exact-.- n tues is my birthday n for once in my life i wan to go out with weiting to celebrate my birthday n she only gives me 3hs? i have never asked for much,only to let me have the freedom to be with my friends n 2009 is the last year tat i will b same class as weiting n she only gives me 3h? actually if i m going to bugis then i would oso only have 1h left. N MOREOVER IT IS MY 14TH BIRTHDAY. exactly how long she wans to control my freedom?! i m 14 this year alr n going to be 15 next year. i m not a small kid anymore. just because of my sis i have to sacrifice my freedom? who do u think she is? in my heart now, MY FRIENDS HAS A HIGHER PLACE THAN MY SIS. as if like u dunno like dat -.-
then i so angry n then ask weiting whether can change the outing on my birthday to next weekend n then i realise weiting actually have the same plight as me,just dat is not tat she needs to take care of her bro but is because of her mother who dun let her out. i talked to her n complain to her haha. tat's wat friends are for :) she persuade me to calm down but i was still angry. :@ it was 10 plus at night n then weiting went to sleep. i watch the tv on my own n suddenly thought of korh. if korh is in singapore,then he will chat with me when no one is awake cos korh often sleeps very late haha. but he is not :(
i miss korh. other than korh,i didn't know who to talk to cos it was very late. i cried.
ok i m done ranting.
i try to recall those memories but then i realise they have became so faraway, so vague.
because the memories have faded. of you.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
now channel u is showing some charity show. stupid.
when i was small,i used to donate by calling cos i always will cry when i watch the show.
cos it was touching. it is still touching now.
but my parents often scold me for calling n they say is a waste of money.
i thought they were heartless.
but after the NKF incident,i stop calling although i still cry whenever i watch the show cos i felt
i hate it when people cheat my feelings. damn it.
now i seriously need to save up now.
i alr spent $50 on class chalet n KTV with marketing ppl.
i still have: 1) edeline's bday outing
2) my bday outing with minshi
3) my bday outing with weiting & amelia
4) choir outing
n i only have $70 left.
but i still need to save up. cannot spend it all at once.
money money money.
i need money. :(
i guess i m going to emo n cry myself to sleep tonight.
3 years. it's been 3 years alr n still i can't forget you. tell me what to do exactly.
Friday, December 4, 2009
i'll miss you, 205.
listening to Second Time Around by Lady Gaga. i can't believe she will sing these kind of song. but i m addicted to the song now other than tik tok.
thinking of changing my blogskin but i can't seem to find anything tat i like.
thr is one but i dunno why i can't download the html so i give up.
somemore if i want to change blogskin then i must transfer everything again. so mafan.
nvm,i shall continue with this blogskin to make my life easier.
by the way, who haven finish homework yet? ME.
haha. i still have my maths homework on my table n chinese jian bao n yue du bao gao.
actually thr is zuo wen n shi yong wen n paper 2 but unfortunately the last day of sch i didn't come so i did not receive(which is equals to no need to do) so sad..(:DDD)
somemore i haven look at my sec 3 bks yet..senior all tell me need to look at it first cos if not sch year starts then i might not be able to catch up.
but.. the bk is so damn thick lor.
nvm,shld worry about my homework first before i worry about anything else.
staying home everyday is boring.
even watching tv is boring.
nothing else to do on facebook. in fact, i m getting tired of facebook n i don even bother to see if i got any friend request or other requests. BORING. facebook other than quiz n games then it's not fun alr. -.-
even blogging now is ________. BORING!
but at least blogging means i voice out. i mean type out.
i miss sec 2 life.
i miss 205.
i miss my friends.
i miss weiting.
i miss amelia.
i miss all the girls in 205.
i miss outings.
i miss class chalets. (although unhappy things happened)
i miss everything that happened during my sec 2 life.
i miss NHchoir.
i miss combine choir.
i miss C^4 outings.
i miss choir concerts.
i miss C^4 ppl.
i miss charmaine.
i miss hillary.
i miss uncle hans.
i miss my pri sch friends.
i miss minshi.
i miss outings with my pri sch friends.
i miss everything.
i miss everything that happened in my sec 2 life.
i miss a part of me.
now i seriously dun wan to go to sec 3.
but it can't be helped.
i still rmb the first day of sch when i was sec 1.
i was in 105.
i still rmb sec 1 orientation camp at sch.
i still rmb the first time i was late for sch was the first day of sch after chinese new year.
i still rmb choir audition for sec 1 when i got to noe sharmaine n weiting.
i still rmb sec 1 cca extravaganza when i first talk to amelia.
i still rmb 105 outing at sentosa whr we played at the bench n gregory dig a hole in the sand.
i still rmb sec 1 sports day.
i still rmb sec 1 enrichment prog when we all swim at the the clementi swimming complex.
i still rmb the last day of sch of sec 1 was a thursday. cos i was wearing tie
i still rmb 105 ate pizza together on the last day of sch.
i still rmb the first day of sch when i m sec 2.
then,i was 205.
i rmb all sec 2s must go to the hall for a talk conducted by mr ng(i forgot wat he said),but then when we were leaving,i rmb he said tat '205 REMEMBER TO BRING UR MATHS TEXTBK N EXERCISE BK FOR TOMORROW'S MATHS LESSON.' i was shocked to see ur maths teacher is actually the then discipline master. :O
but after tat,i got to noe tat mr ng is actually a very nice teacher n likes to pinch the guys n spongebob the guys n which brought entertainment to the class.
i still rmb tat i was stunned when i was announced as choir sec 2 level rep. (cos i tot it comfirm to be charmaine so i was still staring at her when they announced my name n i didn't noe until weiting shake me. i was like 'omg,u read wrongly is it?')
i still rmb combine choir practices although thr were only a few.
i still rmb combined choir outings when we play basketball n had bbq at hillary's house haha.
i still rmb 205 class chalet on june 16. (i dunno why i still rmb the date so clearly but somehow i just rmb.)
i rmb the biggest n cleaniest chalet n we had bbq on the first day. second day went cycling frm changi to changi beach to east coast park. third day was wild wild wet. super fun.
i still rmb the cheating case cos i was involved-.-
i still rmb ms poon got damn angry n even swear.
i still rmb we studied together at jp library the day before each exam of end of years.
just after the history paper then we were alr celebrating haha. :D
i still rmb the smelly in line skating shoes n i didn't even learn much :P
i rmb my last day of sch(other ppl's 2nd last day of sch),it makes me cry.
i rmb the day i got on the plane n was crying like hell shit.
when i came back i was so happy although i was alone. :DDD
i rmb 2nd class chalet n though unhappy things happened but still,it's still a precious memory for all of us.
i hope everyone will be ok n gd luck for O levels.
if u are not crying,u are not human!
or mayb u are not 205.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
i m back. ALIVE.
lots of things happened but i dun really feel like talking about it. i mean type. some more i also cannot talk cos i got a terrible sorethroat n :x.
i just came back frm class chalet yesterday n to speak the truth,i m disappointed.
nvm,shall not talk about tat.
oh my god.
i m in class 304. anyone same???
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
tomorrow is my last day of sch of sec 2.
in case u dunno,i m leaving for china on 30 oct
so i will not be going to sch on fri.
so 2moro is my officially last day of sch n i wan to take pictures!!!
things to do 2moro: 1) TAKE LOTS N LOTS OF PICTURES!
so ppl if i can't find u, pls come find me to take pictures!!! :DD
i will be leaving on 30 oct n coming back on 26 nov.
so when i come back, i wan to go out with all my friends!
205 chalet! 6A'07 chalet! C^4 outing! movie outings!!!
meanwhile i m in china, if u ppl miss me, u can email me or if u are lucky,
i might be online but tat is highly not possible cos i won't be online often but if u are really lucky, u can chat with me! haha.
if u dun have my email, then go ask. :) i believe my other friends will be kind enough to tell u :D
but i will oso be updating my blog regularly so no worries! :)
so today got inline skating in sch n it was...
so-so bah.
not exactly fun cos we only learn how to stand up n walk n skate n finish.
n the shoes were damn smelly. haha.
after sch went out with weiting n amelia, my two very besties.
went to eat lunch, then we just walked around n photo-ed.
photos are with amelia, so too bad can't show u :(
after walking n photo-ing, we all went home.
this is our last outing before i leave singapore so we took lots n lots of photos
haha. i m sure going to miss my two besties.
my emotion now is like: :) + :( + :'(
feel happy,yet sad. feel excited,yet feel like crying.
now, sec 2 life is nearing to the end and sec 3 life is coming our way.
i'm afraid that i will lose you,both of you.
but i still believe and trust that,
our friendship will last and
this friendship that we build through the 2 years will hold us together long enough.
Monday, October 26, 2009
pictures! :D
today got marketing at xing nan pri & rulang pri.
partnered up with xiao tong n we talked together at rulang pri.
lucky this time i didn't screw up. like last time-.-
went home straight after marketing. see? i good girl :)
photos time!
marketing 27 oct @ rulang pri :D
cos the blazer is too big! :@
enlarge it to see! :D

haha. got this picture frm facebk.
i think only got this :(
now, i m totally obessed with se7en, another korean pop star haha. :x
totally handsome, just tat he has small eyes, but very cute haha.
lee min ho, stand aside first!
today sch ended at 12.
sch was totally boring to the core.
flower arrangement & gift wrapping workshop?
wat the hell is tat anyway -.-
we were not not even listening n my gift wrapping skills totally sucks.
but i can do one thing PERFECTLY.
after sch when to eat with edeline fione yeesiang zhikai ziwei n dennis at sumo house
now i owe edeline money--again :(
then we went to bowling n the guys bowled while we 3 girls chit chat a lot haha.
about sch,parents,clothes,boyfriends or anything, we could all chat about.
then after they bowled, we went to the devil's court(i oso dunno why it is called the devil's court) to see the 205 boys play basketball but then we decided not to go to the court, instead we stayed at the playground nearby n continued with our chat eariler on.
then chat chat chat, talk talk talk n then it was 4pm
then we went to take our bags n then walked to clementi mrt station with edeline fione yeesiang zhikai n zi wei n still got who?(forgot. short term memory.)
went to bus stop with edeline while the others went for mrt
waited for 185 then home sweet home!
2moro going to xingnan pri & rulang pri for marketing talk..
so nervous!
cos i screwed up at rulang pri last time i went thr for the talk
i was nervous n then i got stuck on a word n paused for a very long time.
so embarrassing!! :(
shld practise more this time round so the same mistake will not happen again..
i haven paste my script onto my que cards yet.
tat's all for today!
rush to paste my script. haha.
just can't seem to get you out of my head after so long. i m such a loser. especially when looking at someone playing basketball. hate basketball now. TOTALLY.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
sick for the 1st time in two years is definitely not a good thing for me. i feel so sick..
anyway, my main point is : I M SICK N I CANNOT BELIEVE IT.
many things have happened n i'm afraid that this post would definitely be a very long one. so be prepared.
start from last mon..
on mon, me amelia weiting edeline lenise kina went to vivo to watch 500 Days Of Summer.
n the movie totally disappointed me. i m not lying. i mean TOTALLY.
i at first thought it would be a very nice de romance movie but it turned out to be very lame. the movie justs talks about a guy meets a girl n they dated for 500 days n after that the girl which is called summer, she got married to another guy n the guys then meets another girl who is called autumn n then the 1st day of autumn starts n the movie just ended like this. just like this. -.- wasted my money!
then after the movie i accompanied weiting to the national geographic de shop while the other went to look for clothes or something,can't remember. then in the national geographic shop,weiting went like head over heels for all the 'geographic things'. haha. i think we spent around 1 hour in the shop looking at the geographic things n weiting kept saying that she wants to buy everything in the shop when she grows up. haha. i seriously think she shld take pure geog now. n i think she is. haha!
then after that, me n weiting went to find the others n then we went to the roof top whr thr is the water playground me weiting n amelia were wearing jeans n we were like pulling it up n we looked so funny.haha! my jeans were easier to pull up n they were quite loose but for weiting, she had to use her whole strength to pull it up n then when she finally pull it up alr, we decided not to play in the water n weiting was like -.-'' n use her whole strength to pull her jeans down again. so cute. haha.
we took lots n lots of pictures which i think they are all with edeline n mayb she would post it on facebk later.
then we went to eat ice cream. at first we went to ben & jerrys but realised tat it was super ex so we then went to hagen daaz(sry dunno how to spell) n then the manager was like super happy n we sat down. then we realised again tat is was even ex then ben & jerrys! so we lied to the manager n said tat we wan to go eat dinner n actually we were going to swensens to eat ice cream n guess what the manager said? 'COME BACK LATER AFTER DINNER!'
HAHA. we were like 'okok bye!' n then we went to swensens, feeling so bad. haha.
so we had 3 'topless 5' n 2 shared one. me n lenise shared one n then i got ice cream on my jeans n shirt. how lucky. why am i not so lucky when it comes to toto? haha i don't buy toto or 4d lah.
then i went to buy songlin's birthday present(which is a bit late) at shibuya along with weiting amelia n edeline while lenise n kina left.
after buying of the present,me n edeline went to the bus stop together while amelia n weiting went to mrt station. then got on bus n home sweet home!
20 OCT, TUES (1st day of leadership camp)
woke up late on tues n got on bus to sch with my big luggage for camp!
arrived at sch late n mrs lim even called dad cos i was late -.-
got to noe a friend who sat behind me, yu jia(chinese of yoga haha)!
i was in grp 6 n with mrs lim as teacher-in-charge n atikah as our instructor!
then was the 3 hours of leadership course conducted by coach ernest! he was super funny n even danced the song 'Nobody' cos he had to do forfit..oso he danced the sexy chicken dance which was damn funny :D
then was lunch n i got to noe even more friends in my grp--all the girls!
my grp had 19 ppl, 10 guys n 9 girls which were..
girls: me,clarice,yujia,zhijia,justina,jiaxuan,siewyi,yvonne n yuting!
guys: zhenjun,jovin,chunweng,junwei(202),junwei(211),daniel,dean,tseyu,weisheng n william
to speak the truth,actually i did not noe many of the boys,so when i type the boys names i was looking at the list haha :x
then we went to the campsite n prepared for the Amusing Race @ Lim Chu Kang.
walk around 10km+! ok,mayb lesser but we still walked a long long long way for 3 or 4 hours under the hot sun in some ulu ulu place haha. thanks to dean,grp 6's maths genius, helped us in solving the maths riddles if not we wouldn't have completed 5 stations.
went back to the campsite at 5.30pm n i think my grp is the 4th or 5th grp to arrive among the 8 grps! :D
then was dinner time n so far as i can rmb, the dinner wasn't nice n the jelly tasted like mama lemon, u noe, the dish detergent? haha,so i gave my jelly to tse yu.
after dinner, we went to change to our track pants as we were going to have a night walk, alone in the dark, whr u can't even see clearly ur fingers if u held them in front of ur face, somemore, i m short-sighted! grp 6 was the 2nd last grp to go for the night walk n i think we waited like around 3 hours in the dark cos it was a solo walk, was meant tat u have to wait until the person in front of u to walk first until thr was no sight of the person,before the next person could go. so,imagine, my grp is the 2nd last grp n one grp has 20 ppl. OF COS, IT WILL TAKE 3 HOURS! -.-
then after the night walk, it was supper n then lights off! it was super hot at night but then during midnight,it rained! but then when i woke up in the morning, my feet were freezing haha.
21 OCT, WED (2nd day of leadership camp)
we had flag raising in the morning n did morning exercise too. BUDDHA CLAPS. until now my arms are still aching cos we did like 700+ buddha claps. imagine tat. actually we were supposed to do 600 only but then we kept doing it again n again n then we did 700+.
after breakfast was the multi-level captain's ball! it was fun but i kept missing the ball. SRY!
thr was first the big ball which is 10 pt,then the small soccer ball 20 pt,blue ping pong ball 40 pt, white ping pong ball 60 pt, then was SPONGE! which is 100 pt. haha my grp got 680 pt while other grps got 1000+ pt,but nvm,we did our best anyway. :)
then was lunch n then stock exchange. stock exchange i was super tired n even fell asleep. :x
in the end, we lost around $100+ dollars but nvm, it wasn't any use at all in developing leadership,is thr?
then was endure training, full of sweat n tears shed.
first, we had 30 min to learn foot drills n the UG ppl in our grp taught us about the commands n the correct actions. leg 90 degrees! haha.
to speak the truth, i thought tat foot drills were quite nice cos i can be very focus n do everything right n everyone united together, doing the same action. quite a nice feeling,u noe.
then comes the tough part.
thr was the 'Sqeeze & Spread' whr when the hand sign says spread, everyone must spread away from each other n when the hand sign says sqeeze then everyone must interlock each other's arms together n sqeeze together. then the instructors will try to pull the ppl out one by one n sometimes i watched ppl being pulled out, i felt really sad n i started crying non-stop. then when it ends the ppl tat were pulled out will stand in front of the others who were not pulled out n the instructors will say like,'these are ur friends n why did u let them go?!' and at tat point of time, tears just kept flowing n flowing n i can't swipe it off cos we were in the 'stand at attention' position.
it was really tough but i didn't get pulled out cos i was always in the middle.while usually,the ppl at the outside were being pulled out.
then it was dinner n this time the jelly was nice cos it was mango pudding! my favourite. :D
after tat we went to the multi-purpose hall(MPH) n we learn many claps like the sexy clap n the coach eunice clap which was really cute. haha. then coach joel n another guy danced the song 'nobody' on stage n it was super funny! haha
night activity was to play a game called 'Kidnapped' n yvonne was the one who was kidnapped haha. we were supposed to play games at different stations n then go back to the MPH n guess the key tat locks the person together. first time we were super lucky n we guessed correctly! haha but after tat we were not tat lucky n kept guessing wrong but finally we guessed correctly the key n saved yvonne haha. we even had to carry yvonne back to the MPH n sing a grp cheer haha. but we still came in 2nd last. haha.
then was supper n wash up n lights off!
22 OCT, THURS (3rd day/last day of leadership camp)
morning rise n shine!
did flag raising n morning exercise n did finish the 160 buddha claps tat we owe coach eunice n had breakfast. finally the breakfast was nice! haha we had nasi lemak.
then was area cleaning n my grp had to clean the toilet. -.-
cleaning the toilet was not a fun thing to do but at least, it still ok.
then was prize presentation n then we got back our phones n on the bus we were like busy sms-ing haha.
reached sch n got back our maths papers. 76/100 just A1.
then went home first before going to korh's house to play! haha :)
wash up n had a good shower n met korh, szelim n limbim at jp
then we went to korh's house to play n had lots of fun! haha.
n plus i got my book 'The Time Traveller's Wife' as birthday present frm korh :D
korh's wife was a monkey! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... (inside joke)
then went home with limbin n szelim.
went to sch n i overslept,again.
but lucky i was not late :)
got back all my results. very bad. :(
Eng: 37/60, 29/50 Overall: 58.9% C5
Chinese: 16/20, 47/70, 78.5/110 Overall: 78% A1
Geog: 71/100 A2
History: 14/15, 43/65 Overall: 71.3% A2
Science: Physics: 37/50
Chemistry: 22/30
Biology: 9.5/20
Overall: 68.5 B3 :(
Eng Lit: 33/50 Overall: B3 or B4 (i forgot)
Art: 52/100
see? lousy results n i shed a bit of tears cos of stupid geog. @#@$%^$&!@#!%^%$&!!!!!!!!!!
n ppl, i m taking triple science n elect geog n it is confirmed!
after sch had marketing,FINALLY!
had a short briefing about the schedule for marketing but too bad i can only can go for 2 of them :(
24 oct at jurong pri :DDDDDDDD
27 oct at xingnan pri
learn to set up the stupid stand for the boards during marketing n it was definitely tough n thr were no guys oso. all girls :(
after marketing went to hillary's house n we played basketball! haha it's weird but i always enjoy playing basketball with the combined choir ppl.. charmaine,hillary,azaac,uncle hans,jiatok n hiddy n lots more. cos all of the guys of combined choir are gentlemen, unlike nh guys -.- haha.
ate dinner at hillary's house n then got a very nice present from hillary! :D
then home sweet home!
woke up early cos need to go for marketing at jps!
reached sch a little late n saw the bb boys training their foot drills n i suddenly rmb of leadership camp de endurance training! :D too bad choir is not uniform grp haha.
imagine we have to sing while we marched,COOL HUH?
went to jps n i was super excited :D
then we set up the stand tat we learn how to set up yesterday n then exibition started.
i talk until my throat was pain n my legs were still aching..
parents sure have lots of questions huh... -.-
until when they come to O levels then they will think PSLE was just small peas.
after the exibition, i met up with szelim at the front gate of jps n we walked to the mac to meet up with the henry, jozhi, limbim, jinnyuan n minshi!
had lunch together n then me szelim minshi jozhi n jinnyuan went to jp to wait for songlin n to watch movie together while limbin n henry went home.
songlin came n then we went to watch 'CLOUDY AND A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS' which weiting wanted to watch,haha.
the movie was very nice, much much much more better then 500 Days Of Summer!
the last part of the movie was very touching n i even cried...:(
the movie was about this guy who wants to be a inventor but his inventions always turned out to be disaster..then one day he inventor something called the dunno dunno what food machine (cos the name of the machine was very long) which is like when u pour water into the machine then it will be turned into food. then when the guy wans to try out the machine, he powered the machine n then the machine flew up into the sky then it started raining cheese burger cos thr is water in the atmosphere then after tat the machine lost control n started to make large food n everything is crushed by the food n then the guy eventually saved everyone by destroying the machine tat he made by himself. the last part was when the father of the guy told his son tat ' I LOVE YOU,SON.' tat was when i broke into tears..very touching
then i went to find my father n accompanied him to eat dinner while the others went to fairprice n played hide n seek after accompanying my father for dinner, i went to fairprice to find them n then we played hide n seek n then martin came n we played hide n seek again.
after tat, we all went home n on the bus i even fell asleep cos i was not feeling well n when i got home, i realised i had fever n kept wanting to vomit n not feeling well..
lucky i m better today.. :D thanks everyone for their concerns!
omg, i spend 4 hours on this post.
n to make everyone happy,
catch me while i m still here. please,don't wait until i'm gone n start regretting.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
hello people!
later i m going to meet my primary sch friends le!!
tomorrow i m oso going to go with 205 girls for a movie! which is the 500 days of summer..
excited for both outings
but not excited for leadership camp.
not even a single hope to go to the leadership camp now..
just watched some videoes on youtube
i didn't know 不得不爱 was actually a chinese version of the korean song ' please tell me why'
but i still think the chinese version of the song is much more nicer.haha
oso watched some clips bout the korean dramas tat i watched before...
'save the last dance for me'
is a super damn nice korean drama i ever seen!
i can imagine the ppl who doesn't like korean dramas de face now: -.-''
but still, it's still a very nice show :D
i rmb tat i would always cry during when the male character is lost his memory...-.-
thoughout the show, if i didn't rmb wrongly, i think he lost his memory n regain his memory 3 times!!! like OMG?! haha the girl must have been very sad...haha
but the ending was very touching, when the guy like FINALLY remembered the girl..
i remember like the ending tat time i oso got cry..haha
tat's all for today
i might not be updating after the leadership camp..
so dun miss me! haha :D
you will never know what that song meant to me.
Friday, October 16, 2009
everyone shld be celebrating now..
just got back home after going to west mall with edeline n fione
let's start frm the beginning of the day..
this morning, mom flew to guangzhou!
mom even sms-ed me before she got on the plane when i woke up in the morning. ALONE.
cos dad n mom went to the airport last night n slept at the airport cos mom's flight was at 6.25am n it would be very early if we leave today, somemore no public transport..so they went dad sent mom to the airport n they slept thr as i was alone at home..so creepy..
this morning i woke up finding the room so empty.. :(
so went to sch n had the stupid, retarded, irritating art paper...FOR THE GOODNESS SAKE,3 HOURS! anyway, i m pretty sure that i flunked it, n do u think i even care? NO. i m already very happy that the EOYs are finally over after the e lit paper.
so after the art paper, sec 2s had the subject combination talk n now, i m hesitating to take triple science n elect geog.. cos after today's talk, i m scared tat i might not be able to cope with the 3 sciences n more over, JC needs humanities n if i only take elect geog, in JC i would suffer cos the foundation is not thr..shld i take triple science n elect geog? but i m really very sure tat i really dun wan to take history.. how??? give me some advice..
after the combination talk was the sec 2s leadership camp..
first time going to a leadership camp n i was nervous at first..
but now, i really dun feel like going le..
but wat can i do? alr pay money liao....
next tues is the camp n i m not looking forward to it.
actually i m not looking forward to next week at all cos we will be getting back our EOY papers..
sian -.-
so after the leadership camp talk, me edeline n fione went to west mall de mac donalds to eat n we like stayed at the mac donalds for around 2 or 3 hours? cos we were like chatting about a lot of things...
sometimes it really feels good to talk to somebody..can relieve ur stress lei..haha
but how no more stress le cos EOY alr finish..some still say :' No! I still very stressed, cos must prepare for next year de EOY mah...' HAHA diaos -.-
after tat we went to walk aound west mall until 5.30pm n then i went home with edeline..
people! next week thr will going to be a C^4 movie marathon on friday after sch! pls do come..
venue not sure yet but it's confirmed tat it's going to be on next friday after sch..
oh yeah, still wan to meet up with min shi n korh first before i leave singapore..
i m going to beijing on 30 oct! don miss me people although i know u definitely will..haha
i'll be coming back to singapore on 26 nov but during tat time, i will be updating my blog regularly to let u all know wat's happening!
stay tuned~
haha :D
tat's all for today
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
today's science paper was not easy :(
sad, but at least some i still know some of the answers.
2moro is the last paper! e lit -.-
need to go and read up on my oliver twist le..
then still got art, nvm i shall do it 2moro
watched the last episode of Sad Sonata
the ending was so damn sucky, i don like it :(
i shld have known, since it is called the 'Sad Sonata', so it is ought to be sad n no happy endings.
maybe i shld find a drama which title is 'Happy Sonata'
yeah, like real thr would be this kind of drama. -.-
speaking of dramas with a happy ending,
the few dramas that i watched recently, NONE of them has a happy ending.
tat means one of the main characters will be dying at the end of the dramas...
so sad...
i wan to watch the time trallver's wife as soon as possible!
organise a C^4 movie marathon at Hillary's house again!!! so i can watch the movie... haha :D
oh yeah, i oso wan to watch the 500 days of summer, it shld be nice...
tat's all for today,
sometimes, i really have to agree that, ignorance is the best thing of all.
Monday, October 12, 2009

hello ppl, just got home from sch. today had my eng paper..not exactly screwed up but nonetheless,i can expect a B at the very least. nothing much to write about, just wan to tell the whole world that ONLY LEFT 2 MORE PAPERS LE! (EXCLUDING ART -.-) sci n lit.. shld be ok de bah.. oh yeah, mr ng say tat yesterday de maths paper not good... :( *sad* nvm, i shld be optimistic :) but sometimes the higher the hope, the greater the disappointment.. nvm shld just focus on sci paper which is 2moro first... jiayou! N NEXT WEEK IS LEADERSHIP CAMP! CAN'T WAIT :DD

EH....WHAT? -.-''
ok,nvm about today's paper, since it's over alr, no use crying over spilled milk that's what i have been telling korh when he didn't do well for chinese :(
sometimes telling people is easy but doing it urself isn't that easy as it seems.
nvm,forget forget forget!
ok i just got home frm jurong point after going to weiting's house to study chemistry n meeting my mom at jurong point..
weiting n i wasn't very efficient but quite good le cos we revised the drying agents of gases n ionis bonding n covalent bonding in merely 3 hours! how great is that!
ok,maybe not as great. -.-
then met mom at jp n went to eat eat n got home
suddenly remembered that 14 oct is my sis's birthday when i m having my science exam..
nvm,shld not bother cos she is not even in singapore..i m bad sister! :D
she shld be 6 this year n going to pri sch next year..too bad she's not going to my pri sch but she's going to be edeline's junior! :D
on the way home on the bus, sharmaine called me.
she asked me about art stuff n was damn random haha!
she asked whether the art stuff is draw on A3 paper but she dun have the A3 paper, only got the primary sch use one tat kind. so i told her nvm cos she still pri sch then use pri sch de A3 paper lor, teacher won't mind one. then over the phone i can sense sharmaine's -.- face haha. sharmaine can be very random at times n this time she called me only to ask whether use A3 paper or not. how cute is she :)
tomorrow is having eng exam, set by ms poon...hope it will not be too difficult.. :(
shall be a good girl n go n do my art prep work now although i m sure tat i m not going to do that stupid prep work! ok nvm shall go do now
i realise i m becoming more n more like sharmaine....wat a good / bad thing?
haha, no offence to sharmaine.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
not because i dunno how to do but because i scared not enough time...
so i m blogging now to reduce my scared-ness..pardon my lousy english..
so _____ is comforting me now but i m still very scared...................................
i m going to cry soon.........................................................
Friday, October 9, 2009
well,not actually..cos still got 5 more papers to go..
maths,eng,sci,lit & finally ART!
oh shit. speaking of art,suddenly remembered tat i haven do prep work yet...
nvm,i shall start doing it after the lit paper :P
ok..i know tat i haven been updating for dunno how many weeks le cos i am a good girl and did not touch my computer for the past 2 to 3 weeks :DD
i know it sounds fake but i AM SPEAKING THE TRUTH, BELIEVE OR NOT.
anyway,during the many days or weeks tat i did not update my blog,many things happened.
let me see wat are the things i wan to talk about...
1) mid-autumn festival!
2) history & chinese paper
3) geo paper
and anything else? oh yeah..forgot to mention
:DDDD looking forward to it..
first,mid-autumn was held last friday..205 was selling hotdogs n brownies n cookies which the brownies made by amelia was SUPER NICE!
i remember me edeline yingying were shouting like shit
oh my god,lucky dun have choir the next day if not i really can't sing :X
but in the end we sold everything which was really good thing :)
though we did not make as much money as 211(ms poon say they earned thousand plus,i seriously dun believe :P) cos we earn bout $300 ++
tat was a really good thing for us :D
went home with zhengyu n baocai and baocai's father brought us all home..haha thanks!
ok yesterday was history & chinese paper and i thought tat it was ok...
history i had problems but only small problems
chinese not enough time cos i was spending too much time on the comprehension then i only left 10min to do summary! @!#$%&#&!
after tat,me edeline chenfeng lionel zhenjun kevin gregory justin and who else? sorry if i missed out anybody's name cos i got short term memory
so we all went to jurong point first to eat n then went to the jurong point library to study geo which was on the next day but so apparently it was no use cos we can't get anything into the head..
then thr was some ah bengs thr beside us then they found gregory's name for the bluetooth cos gregory put his name as Ah Mok. wat the hell? ok then dunno how they wanted to sent something to him or something..they were so irritating.. -.- ok not going to say anything tat happened after tat :X
n now zhenjun owes me one big favour!
so i went home with justin and reached home around 6.30pm haha
lucky i got home before dad if not he will ask n ask n ask n i will shut up n shut up n shut up
didn't really study geo mapwork cos i dunno how to study for mapwork so nvm..
today had geo paper n i thought tat it was quite ok cos a lot of the answers are in the textbook so...
many ppl did not finish n i feel really sad for them...
cheer up edeline! next time u can do better! support u!
(sounds something like elections or something..haha 767 candidate!)
so today after geo paper, me edeline chenfeng lionel zhenjun zhenyu yeesiang justin and who else i forgot..although it was just like a few hours ago..
ok so we went to the jurong point library again n me n edeline really did not feel like studying lor..so we sneaked down to the playground n played n played
haha then zhenjun came down then we played n played
felt very relieved tat friends are all around me and it doesn't really matter if i flunk my exam or what so ever cos i will always have my friends :DD
so we just played n played n shop shop at jurong point...
me edeline n zhenjun went to walk around jp n we came to a stall which sell the badges then the messages on the badges were very funny haha eg. I DON'T DISCRIMINATE PEOPLE, I HATE EVERYBODY. haha so funny...then we walked n kept talking bout funny things....
went home at around 2.30pm n reached home at around 3pm n came online!
feel like celebrating but i know tat now is not the right time yet.
these few days have been relieving my stress by talking to my korh...thanks korh! for listening to all my craps and calling you for help to solve my problems...thanks a lot! i know tat u have been having exams too and been very sick these few days..take care and get well soon! :D
all the best to everybody for the next 5 papers!
hope i will ace my eng which is very impossible but at least i hope that i will not fail for english if not i won't be promoted! :( jiayou to everybody!
end of post
time to emo.
today talked to edeline n it felt like so long ever since i last talked to somebody about him cos i seldom talk to anybody about him.one question tat keeps popping up n my head is a question that edeline asked me, why you dun wan to talk to him? i asked myself n at first, i also dunno why but then i realised tat it was all because i was too afraid n timid n being such a coward.though i might appear strong but i am a really coward person n i admit tat cos it is the fact and i can't do anything to change it. i always thought it would come naturally but i was wrong cos somebody has to take the first step. i guess we were both too scared to take the first step.
Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009
well,just being random -.-
feel so depressed now,cos i haven do a lot of homework yet.
zzz...wan to sleep...
well,let's see wat things i haven do yet...
jeremiah chong on the extreme left n shuai ge is the third frm the left :D
my shuai ge :DDDDD
picture not very clear :(
the concert was nice n NICE!
i think i fa hua chi liao
nvm,anyway he got girlfriend le n charmaine totally ruin my nice nice impression of him by showing me his facebook profile pic which was not really shuai
nvm,i just continue to fa hua chi n forget bout the pic.
haha, tues went to charmaine's house was quite fun
i left house at 11.50am n reached thr at 12.05pm,quite fast,huh.
then went to buy charmaine's needs for baking the muffins or cupcakes or watever u call tat thing,n then went to mac to eat lunch.
me,suwai,charmaine,annabelle,hillary n hadi were all at the macs waiting for uncle hans but then.............................................
when charmaine called him when we were at macs,uncle is still at home! just woke up some more.. -.-
uncle will forever be uncle..sigh..haha!
then we ate n went to charmaine's house directly, not going to wait for uncle le
then on the bus to charmaine's house,i call uncle to ask him whr is he now,
the conversation was super funny:
uncle: pause for a long time...'hello?'
u noe tat hello tat u say when u just woke up? uncle sounded just like tat.
me: 'oi,whr are u ar?
uncle: pause for a while..'bukit batok mrt.
me: 'huh? we just got on the bus,haha.. so u later take bus to charmaine's house ok?'
uncle: pause a while...'huh,ok lor.'
me: 'but uncle u noe how to come charmaine's house or not? i scare ur memory not gd then cannot rmb...'
then everyone in the bus paused for a moment n laughed loudly..haha
uncle: 'er,yea take 173,right?'
me:'yea ok bye.'
uncle: 'bye.'
i think the conversation roughly went like this. n it was super funny
then reach charmaine's house hadi n me play Wii again n when uncle came,i played guiter hero with uncle
then after tat we baked the muffin and it was at first,a total mess.
but the second try was better :)
uncle helped a little but i guess he was busy taking pictures of himself...
the cupcakes was quite nice n we studied a little haha
then i went home with uncle while hillary went off with suwai n hadi took taxi home.
on the bus uncle wanted to take photo again n we took together
we took like dunno how many photos cos uncle's hands was shaky n the pictures came out were always blur blur one. finally we took one which was clear but in the end, when it was put on the comp,it was blur again. haha uncle's poor photo taking skills...
then home sweet home!
guess this post was long..
it seems unable to forget those memories, so i guess i might as well don't forget and keep
them deep inside my heart. i'll treasure them well, and thank you for sharing those memories
with me, the most beautiful memories of my life.
though when i hear or talk about anything that is related to you still makes me cry silently, but i guess i will someday get use to it.crying alone with the memories of you, has become a habit of mine. slowly,i am getting used to it. still, i want to say thank you for sharing those beautiful memories with me. thank you.
Monday, September 7, 2009
i m here to blog..
going to prepare now n later i'm going to charmaine's house to bake cake(or is it muffin?) n to learn scores n do homework :D
nvm,i shld post more when i come back
1) Jeremiah Chong 's concert! (got shuai ge sia! :DD)
2) Today's pictures (if i did manage to take some..)
3) All the irrelevent things i could thing of..
then i m off now!
i feeling like i am going to break down,but you are not there for me.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
i couldn't believe my eyes.
As i watch the scenes replay again and again in my mind,
i still cannot believe the truth.
Why does the truth always have to be so cruel?
Though you're gone,
but the only thing that is good is that you have left me with all the memories we shared together.
But i am afraid,
that all of these might end,
as the memories fade,
as they grow old with me.
I can't do much,
the only thing i know i could do now,
is recall those memories we shared,
to keep it fresh in my mind,
but it might not stay long with me,
as i slowly forget them and then,
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
hello! i'm here!
i got lots to say today so today de post shld be very long..
start frm mon...
had our annually mass walk! n it wasn't very enjoyable..
well,i walked through the whole thing with shannon n we were like talking bout lots n lots of things,like anime n dunno wat thingy..anyway,we thought of many many things to talk together..
after the mass had 2 periods of ICT..dunno did wat accounting or something n i was damn suay cos when i did finish the whole thing n wanted to submit the thing then i close it n when i want to upload the file onto asknlearn n i can't find the file.. -.- so i used sharmaine's file n changed the name to my name..haha..after tat was the teacher's day celebration n it was quite nice :D
yifeng's singing was damn nice :D n dance was super! actually it is a gd thing when u have a gold with honours dance society cos during celebrations,u can see super gd dance performances..after dismissal,i rushed back to sch but still did not get to see mrs shum :(
so we just hang around n it started raining so we followed limbin n went to kfc at the swimming pool...but in the end we brought nothing n came out short after..then we walked to mcdonalds n stayed thr for like 1h+ then we went to the playground n played ice n freeze thr...just like pri 6 when we always ice n freeze during recess...*miss those times* so we like kept running around n :DD happy! went home around 5pm or 6pm..i was super tired..sigh..old alr..cannot run..haha
so i slept at 9.40+pm on mon n woke up at around 10am the next morning! 12h longest record lei! haha...so now,photos time! :)
height difference huh.. *ahem*
minshi,szelim,me! still got 2 extra guys behind..i tot they say they dun wan to take photo?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
well,blogger is having problems again.
apparently,pressing Shift+F5 or Ctrl+F5 or watever + F5 doesn't work at all!
wat the hell.. -.-
today's a rainy day
lovely :D (but i still prefer my favourite blue sky :D)
actually wanted to just take a look at my email n then off the study my geo,
but obviously,i went on to facebook n msn n well,since morning till now i haven touch my books yet
:X but anyway,i have copied my notes till unit 6 alr,one more unit to go n i have copied finish all the notes for EOY..:)
tomorrow's teacher's day celebration (finally!) & mass walk oso
wth..going to walk 3km tomorrow for mass walk..
anyway,i m still happy tat tomorrow i m going to see minshi n all the other p6 friends
too bad tat we can't go into jps cos they dun allow us to! grr.. @#$%^&*$€@%#!!!
not because of they are having exams but is because of H1N1!
wth,like as if we carry diseases or something..
other pri sch allow their ex-students to go back, only my sch don't!
upon hearing tat we re not going back to jps,i sudden felt my heart sank for no reason.not because i m not going back to sch or not get to see p6 teachers,but..because of the fact tat i m not going to see...someone tat i haven see for exactly 1 year.I don wan to go but my heart tells me to go because..i dunno for wat reason but i just feel tat i wan to go back n see tat person. one look will do,or just to let me know tat he's been doing fine,but i know i can't do this. even if it is one look or one word,it will crush all my efforts to forget him for this one year. it's not worth it,i know it myself.i just have to endure tomorrow n everything will be fine,i tell myself. but can i really do tat? i'm not sure myself too. how can i do it..
i'll be fine..will i?