Hello people! To be honest,the picture above I actually got it from peipei's blog. I m not a stalker,ok? Just thought the picture is,nice.
Still have 1 zuowen to do before i can slack. Sian.
Woke up at 10 this morning,cos i slept at 1 yesterday. I was watching privileged! Really nice drama can? I know you must be thinking why stay until so late to watch a drama when u can directly watch it on youtube or something? Well,my answer is because I like it. Cannot meh.
Actually suppose to go out on a study date with hillary and jiarong and maybe hiddy today,but unfortunately I have to babysit my sis cos i have absolutely no idea where my dad went ever since i woke up this morning.
School is starting tomorrow. I'm so dead. I HATE SCHOOL. GRR.
Sec 3 life is stressing me out. Everyone agrees to that fact. What's going to happen if i am sec 4? I seriously can't imagine.
But 304 isn't as boring as it was. Cos of charmaine poh who sits behind me and dave chan. Cos of them i am having fun. Me & charmaine poh always gang dave by kidnapping his bag and pencil case etc. super fun+funny! kept on laughing and laughing during classes. I am glad in my sit now.
Charmaine poh is a really nice person who helps me out A LOT. just like in old times,i rely on weiting. now,i rely on charmaine poh :) but sometimes both of us got the fact wrong when everyone got it right. then we would laugh to ourselves for being foolish. haha. deep in my heart, i want to thank charmaine poh and dave for making me enjoy classes. THANK YOU. although i know both of you won't be reading this (you might not even know i have a blog),but still, yeah. thank you. :D
can we get back to square 1? i suddenly want to talk to you like last time. i don't want to admit but i miss you.