Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Hello everyone it's April 1st!! April's fool! And at the same time happy birthday to wanying!
Ok today's Elearning day and I am staying at home doing nothing.
Haha something happened yesterday during recess to celebrate April's fool for 304.
Suelynn & Shihan put salt in almost everyone's water bottles! Ok not almost but IS.
Practically everyone's water is either salty or sweet, but mainly SALTY SALTY.
haha super funny when we saw everyone's first reaction when they drank their water.
First they drink, then THEIR FACE TOTALLY CHANGE THEN RAN OUT OF THE CLASSROOM TO FIND A PLACE TO SPLIT OUT THE WATER. hahaha! damn funny i tell you. Physics teacher was pissed haha.
Yesterday was oso inter-class basketball for 304 vs 303.
Obviously 304 won lah! DUH.
haha 50 to 35 i think.
304 ftw!
Somehow i'm beginning to like 304, maybe it's because i noe now tat the fact tat i'm in 304 is a unchangeable fact of my life.
I won't regret being in 304 b'cos now i enjoy being in this class.
Ppl are nice and funny. Mainly funny haha.
But i will never forget 205 de, and all my besties friends. :)
Choir's on saturday. But sadly i can't sing. :( Jaslyn not thr too cos she's going to do cip.
SOP 2 jiayous! :D
stop here bah, got lots to do for elearning. -.-
byebye :D
let's make new memories together. this time,i hope it'll last. :)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Hello people I'm here again.
Just decided with uncle hans that we may be watching the movie 'How To Train Your Dragon' on fri. Which is Good Friday. I wonder if I can go. Most probably I CAN. :D
I miss C^4. Hillary & Uncle Hans! Azaac too!
Since yesterday I have been listening to songs which I don't even understand a single word of which. But though,the tune is nice ok. Big Bang & Girls Generation FTW!!! :D
<3 Big Bang-----Look only at me, Haru haru, Last Farewell, Let Me Hear Your Voice(recommended by yingying), Lies, Lollipop, My Heaven, With you and We belong together.
<3 Girls Generation----Run Devil Run, Oh!(sharmaine's fav), Gee, Baby Baby
I seldom get jealous. Anyone seen me get jealous over someone or something before? But when ___ mention ____'s name, I get so angry. Wat's wrong with me? This is definitely not jealousy. Or maybe it is. WATEVER. I DON'T CARE DON'T CARE DON'T CARE. not my business.
Uncle hans' calling me to go for the VS concert. Shld I go? 90% going. But I must pull someone to go with me. Who wants to go??? (calling out to all choir fav buddies) 15 bucks for one ticket man. Uncle hans wants flowers tooo. Bouquet somemore. And NJ Concert cost 15 bucks too. OMG I SO GOING TO DIE OUT OF STARVATION MANZ. 30 bucks in total. Someone sponsor me. PLS PLS PLS.
Chatting with sharmaine on msn now. Somehow we keep capping the words. Now our whole convo is in CAPITAL LETTERS. AHAHA.
Sharmaine going play audi with someone n pangseh me. #hint hint hint. it's a guy.
And dumbdumb owes me money now. LOTS OF MONEY MANZ.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Sorry for the previous post. I didn't mean to target anyone. I was just sad. VERY SAD.
I hope you can understand. I miss C^4. I didn't know there was a birthday party for anna. No one told me. I'm just simply sad. Anyway, Happy Birthday to Anna.
I still remember the time when me hillary n uncle hans were at charmaine's house and we chatted around this square table for 3 or 4 long hours. I miss those times. I'm sorry. I hope I'll be there for the next C^4 outing. Thank you.
Ok first, Hello to the world.
Second, maybe I shld not numbering all the points in my post. It looks like an organiser.
Third, maybe I shld just continue to number my points cos it looks neater.
Fourth, i know i'm weird since i am talking to myself.
Fifth, It 's a saturday! (ok everyone knows tat, as a matter of fact.)
Sixth, I think i'm beginning to talk like sharmaine tan hui min. But not as lame as her, duh!
Seventh, I love my horfun.
Eighth, Dennis keep bugging me to go to his church's easter day celebration. Shld I go or not?
Nineth, I'm stuck at home with my sister.
Tenth, I'm angry with someone and I don't feel like talking to that person although i really want to talk to that person.
11th, i dunno how to spell 11th in words.
12th, i have homework. AHH!
13th, i'm bored and there's nothing for me to do. Although there is homework staring in my face for me to do it, but i just don't want to touch it for the moment.
14th, there's nothing much for me to say already so..
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010
Dun be shocked. Tat IS me & my sis.
second, i can't seem to not leave a line cos blogger is crazy for the moment.
third, OMG I BROUGHT THE BOOK 'THE LOVELY BONES'. i have been eyeing on it for like...A FEW MONTHS??!! So i m currently holding onto my book and never want to let go. Until i finish it.
fourth, today sch reopens! One word to say, SIAN TO THE MAX. But still, i'm quite happy to see my friends and had a good laugh :) ppl around me are SO funny. especially dennis n terence. by the way, today i realised huihui's laugh is similar to hillary's laugh. SO INFLUENCE-ING. OMG I MISS COMBINED CHOIR. :( HILLARY AND UNCLE HANS.
fifth, i just finished my maths homework! :D wait,still got one more question i dunno how to do. -.-
sixth, i was freaking wet today when i got home. just when i reached home, i got a message. it was nice(cos it's like a surprise to receive a message at that point of time),though i was wet and my mood was: f**k the rain @$#!!@$#&%!!!
seventh, 2moro is ms saw's birthday. i think. anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MS SAW! :D
eighth, byebye. and with a smily :D
Friday, March 19, 2010
Yes I'll will do it. Stop all the emo-ing. Keep it all inside.
The world would be happier with me being happier. :D
It's fri. ALREADY.
And I still have like 5 homeworks left?!
Geog is the most tiring one. Guess I'm going to stay up the night tonight.
Finished my drama. It was awesome. But the ending sucks man.
But there's the 2nd season to my drama and it's shooting now.
So I'll just have to wait and see. o.O
My march holidays totally suck man. I miss minshi and everyone.
2 more days and school is reopening.
Dumbdumb is back from his camp! And he's ignoring me. Like always. But I'm used to it liao. Dunwan talk to him le.
Nothing much to say.
Shall go and do my homework.
Shall start to end my every post with a smile from now on.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hello ppl. Dots i'm super tired today though i did not too tough at all.
Choir today was...MANAGABLE.
Today's top 6 interviews was postponed for me. Only limhui was interviewed. According to limhui, she screwed it up but i believe not.
Learnt the song podong pati today. Mezz sop is the new section and me n limhui are in that section!
It's the easiest part compared to the other 4 parts. Haha. I'm such a slacker.
The song is quite nice (maybe cos my part was easy haha.) but seriously, it's nice.
Waited for limhui's interview to finish and went home with the usual ppl.
Me, limhui n jaslyn always in front (so called the smart ppl)
Weiting, joanne and jerelyn(but she's overseas) and today veronica went home with us. (so called the 'gong3' people)
Saw the ncc ppl today, i suddenly thought of dumbdumb. Wonder how is he doing in their camp haha.
Saw someone too,wonder if he's well.
It was raining almost the whole day,almost everyday has been raining.
Rain rain go away, come again another day. :)
Holidays will soon be over! It's alr thurs. -.-
But i still haven finish my homework. DIE DIE DIE.
Off to do my homework then.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Great day today. Now i'm tired.
Slept at 3am last night, woke up with DARK CIRCLES O.O
Went for breakfast at macs with mom and got home to prepare for choir.
Choir was good today,had PT first.
Run around the 4th floor for dunno how many rounds (i lost count.)
Sang school song while we ran. I couldn't catch my breath haha.
Sang the songs for speech day then we went to sing Waltzing.
Ms yin didn't come today,only mr poh came.
Choir split into 3 grps, with me, liyin n limhui taking one grp each.
Then we had to conduct.
I failed totally. I suck at conducting. I was too fast. I don't have tempo. Now I am sad.
Limhui's grp was the best while liyin's grp had a constant volume which was good.
My grp died half way through the song. Failure.
Decided on the days when top 6 will have their interviews individually.
Competition is tough. Everyone's better than me.
No room for me.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Hello people. No one's tagging. ):
No one's tagging doesn't means no one's reading. I know.
Went out today with family to suntec. Felt sad on the inside.
Brought a shirt, sky blue. My favourite colour. Didn't manage to cheer me up.
On the way home was chatting with dumbdumb(u noe who,if u really dunno,shows how much u have not been reading my blog) dumbdumb is stupid but he said something which made me feel happy. Dumbdumb is dumb but he's my good friend :)
Got home,bathe.
Suddenly remembers something my mom said to me when she got my phone bill n realise i sms-ed 961 messages. BOOMZ.
She scold me n blah blah u noe.
But importantly, she said something i felt tat she got it right.
She said i was empty so i need lots n lots of friends to make up tat emptyness but u will still feel empty cos those friends can never fill up that space. True, i do feel empty inside. Now i seldom talk to amelia or weiting. Though i still go home with weiting,but things are not the same between us anymore.
Somehow, something has changed without us realising it.
Friends around me now,i don't feel secured.
Not like minshi,i noe nothing has changed between us. She's still my best friend. She still understands me.
Friends around me who i really trust are not many. Just a few. Like sharmaine n weiting n amelia n yingying n some ppl in 205 n some pri sch friends. Who else? No more.
To those other friends,i'm just another person tat u noe her name,no more.
I try to get close but i just can't.
It's tough.
Friends for life?
Easy to say, hard to prove.
Some people just don't belong in your life.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The guy in the drama is super cute de! He sms the girl and then the girl did not reply. Then he keep on saying 'REPLY! REPLY! REPLY!' to the phone. Then thr girl still nvr reply so the guy keep saying 'U DUN WAN REPLY IS IT? QUICKLY REPLY IF NOT U WILL BE DEAD! pls reply lah...:(' TO THE HANDPHONE!
very cute right. haha. shall post a proper post after i finish the episode. :D
Hello there to whoever is reading.
Okay nothin much to blog abt today besides the fact that I'm really tired after today's choir practice. Seriously, I'm tired.
2moro's Nan Hua's annual road run! Got our class tee yesterday. IT'S RED. AGAIN. JUST LIKE SEC 1.
Dunno why recently there's nothing that can cheer me up instantly. Even if it's funny, I would just laugh for 5 secs then I lost all my effort to laugh or even smile again. People say it's easier to smile than cry but i prefer crying more than laughing. Cos laughing, for me, takes effort and sometimes could be really tiring. I don't need effort to cry then the tears flow out by itself.
okok, i'm just being emo again. my usual self.
Shall go and find something which can cheer me up. (which i don't think i can find any)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
once in a lifetime,means there's no second chance.

Friday, March 5, 2010
It's friday! The happiest day of the week cos it's like the last day of sch for the week. I love that feeling of I can wake up late the next morning.
I waiting for something to happen. But I am not going to tell you what am I hoping for.
Sch today was fine, laughed like hell during maths lesson due to huihui and terence as they were like insulting someone's ugly handwriting which I dunno who.
Terence say that:
-normal people draw line is straight line. *then he draws a straight line on his paper*
-people from woodbridge draw line is like quadratic curve. *then he draws a curve line*
-if _____(the person we are insulting) draw line is a distorted line. *then he draw a distorted line like the wave lines,or something like that*
Haha.. after sch went out with chenfeng zhikai n sharmaine to eat lunch. Dunno why these few days I keep on seeing a guy from sharmaine's class who looks like a girl when ppl say he very handsome. I dunno,but seriously, he looks like a girl!
Got home and watched the last episode of 下一站,幸福. SUPER HAPPY ENDING! BOTH GUANGXI AND MUCHEN WERE SO SWEET AT THE END! For the first time I watch the last ep of a drama that I did not cry. But I was going to cry actually... haha. But I hold it back.
Started watching another drama again. China's version of Hana Yori Dango! Which means F4 lah.
Watched taiwanese, japanese and korean version le,so now watching the china version. Haha. Quite nice for the first ep but the plot line is a little different from the other 3 versions. Shall continue watching. :D
I wan to go watch movie! Who wan watch too?!!! Forget it. -.-
Shall blog again sometime later.
i just suddenly don't want to see your face again and i don't want to talk to you anymore. I hate you,again.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Hello people. Choir was okay today but I was super depressed for some reasons which i can't even explain for myself. Mood was SAD + FRUSTRATED + DEPRESSED TO THE MAX.
Got to sch really early today cos yingying said she wanted to cry her hearts out so ME THE NICE PERSON, went to sch so early for the first time. But when i reached sch, i realised i was TOO early. Cos not even a single people is thr. So i waited. And waited. And waited. Finally yingying came and after a short while sharmaine came too. Yingying's having problems and I really could understand for all that u noe. Yingying is strong on the outside, but seriously, everyone has their times when they can break down. Bet no one ever seen me break down before. The only time i broke down was when i saw ____ tagging on ______'s blog. But I broke down alone, no one was with me. Cos i was at home. DUH!
Went to class with the same scared feeling I have every day (i wonder exactly when this feeling will stop?) and i noe why i have this scared feeling.
CEP was so-so. Topic for the day was INNER PEACE! Nearly fell asleep. I bet class 304 will nvr have inner peace cos of people like gregory, suelynn and ekkheng. haha but they are really funny.
Got back all my results. Sucky to the core can.
Eng: 17/30
Chinese: 32.5/50 (first time got B for chinese in my life)
A maths: 28/35 (crazy weiting got 34/35?!!!!!!!)
E maths: 31/40
Chemistry: 37/45
Physics: 27/45
Biology: 31/45
Geog: 12/18
Social Studies: 11/17
Shall post again when I have the mood to do so.
Furthermore no one is comin to my blog anymore.
So why bother to update???
Doubt of the day:
I just can't get it, how could you take someone so important to you once for granted? I hope you will never regret losing such a friend.