I should just give up & let go before it's too late
sorry for the post eariler on..
just ignore it.
today is friday & don't u think tat time has gone too fast?
after next week then it will be national day n then..
n then,not long after tat,would be END OF YEAR!
then i would b sec 3 le...
it's really surprising to see time passes so fast..
then sec 1,sec 2,sec3
it all seem like just yesterday..
more n more people are getting sick,
first weiting,then amelia,i think the next one would be me..
but i really can't afford to miss sch cos common test is nearing..
today everyone changed place,cos ms poon isn't here
jesslyn changed sit with me she wanted to sit with ziyan & ying zhen they all
i got no choice since amelia n weiting were not here,so it does not matter whr i sit
just felt lonely,tat's all
ziwei n gregory sat beside me,at least they could entertain me..
first period was PE,slacked cos as usual,mr chan nvr come..
then was 3 periods of HCL,did compo on the ke wen
during recess stayed in class,the class was damn super quite cos only got 3 ppl
then me n titus playing with the white board marker
then he drew on my face..for the 2nd time!
wth ._.
but nvm,anyway i won't get pimple..
then was physics,did practical in the lab
i realised sharmaine is totally hilarious!
ok..but fione say if u get to noe sharmaine longer then her jokes won't b funny anymore
but sharmaine de "diao -_-'' look is totally..
FUNNY! cos i can't stop laughing when i see tat expression of hers..
then was maths n mr ng is totally funny
cos tse yu forgot to tuck in his shirt,so........
haha...too bad edeline wasn't here..
but it was totally unglam for tse yu cos he was spongebob-ed until his boxers came out..
then was dennis's turn to be spongebob cos he come into the class knowing mr ng is thr,without tucking in his shirt!
when dennis came in,mr ng was like,
'come! dennis! come here!'
then dennis look down to his shirt n,
'oh shit!'
then he went out again to tuck in his shirt.
meanwhile mr ng was like saying.
'u noe,i m not making things diffcult for dennis but he was the one who digged his own grave'
haha..funny..then dennis purposely came in from the back door instead of the front door
then after tat they were saying tat thr was a new virus called H3N2
gregory say is,
H1N1(swine flu)+H5N1(bird flu)=H3N2(then pigs can fly)
haha,then mr ng say melvin is the pig who can fly..
then he corrected the statement by saying,
'no,actually melvin IS the fly'
then was lunch,went down with fione jean n sharmaine
then during lunch had a little small chat with steph..
then we were like slacking all the way for the next 3 eng periods
were playing murderer then dare
played for the whole 1 and a half hours
had great fun,then after sch i immediately rushed home
dunno why,cos i did not want to see anybody..
on the bus,i was crying,i dunno why,but i as glad no one saw it,mayb i was thinking of the conversation with steph earlier on during lunch
don't worry, i'll b fine
i promised myself tat i m going to forget and nvr cry again
i'll just continued to live my life n after 3 months then i will b in another class le
though i noe might not(or most probably) be able to fulfill my promise
but i'll try my best
(why re u doing this to me,u re my most trusted person,yet u lied to me.
i m not blaming u,but i just wan to know why.it's not fun at all to toy with other people's feelings,
and what's more is i m ur best friend.i don understand why,but i just wan a explanation.
it's not entirely ur fault,but is his's fault too.
causing me to be such pain,such hurt,such sufferings,all thanks to u.
i m trying my best now,
trying to get out of ur attention,
trying to get out of ur way,
trying not to have anything to do with you,
and most importantly,
i m really trying to get out of ur life.)
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