Sunday, August 30, 2009
well,blogger is having problems again.
apparently,pressing Shift+F5 or Ctrl+F5 or watever + F5 doesn't work at all!
wat the hell.. -.-
today's a rainy day
lovely :D (but i still prefer my favourite blue sky :D)
actually wanted to just take a look at my email n then off the study my geo,
but obviously,i went on to facebook n msn n well,since morning till now i haven touch my books yet
:X but anyway,i have copied my notes till unit 6 alr,one more unit to go n i have copied finish all the notes for EOY..:)
tomorrow's teacher's day celebration (finally!) & mass walk oso
wth..going to walk 3km tomorrow for mass walk..
anyway,i m still happy tat tomorrow i m going to see minshi n all the other p6 friends
too bad tat we can't go into jps cos they dun allow us to! grr.. @#$%^&*$€@%#!!!
not because of they are having exams but is because of H1N1!
wth,like as if we carry diseases or something..
other pri sch allow their ex-students to go back, only my sch don't!
upon hearing tat we re not going back to jps,i sudden felt my heart sank for no reason.not because i m not going back to sch or not get to see p6 teachers,but..because of the fact tat i m not going to see...someone tat i haven see for exactly 1 year.I don wan to go but my heart tells me to go because..i dunno for wat reason but i just feel tat i wan to go back n see tat person. one look will do,or just to let me know tat he's been doing fine,but i know i can't do this. even if it is one look or one word,it will crush all my efforts to forget him for this one year. it's not worth it,i know it myself.i just have to endure tomorrow n everything will be fine,i tell myself. but can i really do tat? i'm not sure myself too. how can i do it..
i'll be fine..will i?
Friday, August 28, 2009
okay,thr was only 5 ppl
hadi is not in the picture cos we took this at night
wan to noe why, go see my previous post
nothing much to say bout today
fri is always the most sian day
3 periods of chinese, 3 periods of eng
wth?! -.-
3 periods of chinese wasn't tat easy to endure without sleeping
so,u can always see almost 1/3 of the class is sleeping during chinese lessons..
one of the 1/3 ppl will b me!
haha..ok,not always i sleep during chinese lessons but sometimes
3 periods of eng today was..
quite fun?
cos i lost track of time n by the time i realised,it was alr 2.35pm
haha,then ms poon quickly release us
but i wasn't very happy when doing grp work..
u noe,the president of Live Good Life was in my grp!
nvm..since it's over,i shld just keep my mouth shut
mon is teacher's day celebration(yea!) & mass walk(wth?!)
mass walk again?!!
ok,not exactly again
cos it's a annually thing
haha,anyway im still happy tat i m gg back to jps on mon
gt to see minshi!
i miss her!
sometimes we think that life is miserable,but the thing is, is not that
we are lacking anything,but the desire to own everything.
i shall make my life easy by cancelling some of my desires,including
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
mostly jps ppl
ppl who were once my friends,
ppl who were once my best friends,
ppl who were once my enemy,
ppl who once hated me, (mayb they still hate me now)
ppl who once i hated,
ppl who i once envy,
ppl who once treated me bad,
ppl who once i treated them bad,
ppl who i once helped them,
ppl who are ungrateful.
out of all those ppl, i realised tat the ppl i keep in contact now are only my p6 good friends like minshi.
then i realised how inmature i have been in my primary school years.
People changed. I changed.
People i once called my best friends are no longer around. I flipped through my primary school photo album to see all those faces who were once so familar. But now,we are all so far apart. I see those big block letters which says 'BEST FRIENDS FOREVER' and below, i see those signatures signed by all of us. I wonder if we really mean it or not. We were all so inmature. We once thought that each other was our best friends, but the truth is, we don't mean it at all. Even now, the memories we had with each other might have just so easily faded off already. Seriouly,what did we meant when we said 'BEST FRIENDS FOREVER'?
It's true that it take effort to maintain a relationship, be it kinship,friendship or relationship,it all takes effort.
C^4 outing!
as u noe,yesterday was the C^4 outing at charmaine's house
charmaine's house is super big ok!
yesterday left house at 12.30pm (cos i nvr take mrt to bukit batok b4 so i tot will take very long frm my house to bukit batok) so i reached bukit batok mrt at 1pm! (instead of 1.30pm)
after i got out of the mrt station,tat was when i realised tat bukit batok mrt is actually just beside west mall.. -.- (a bit slow hor..)
but then i dunno whr i was going n ended up walking to the bus interchange cos it was like bout 1 years+ since i last when to west mall..
haha..then charmaine told me tat uncle hans was here alr then i went to find him at coffee bean
so funny,when i went in,i saw uncle hans drinking his coffee n reading newspaper!
then i ask him y are u here,cos he shld b in the coffee shop instead of coffee bean..haha
so me, uncle hans & charmaine waited for hillary n hadi to come
so after tat,we all bus-ed to charmaine's house
then we had nothing to do at charmaine's house n we played Wii!
OMG,damn cool..
then me & hadi was like keep on playing Wii until 5+ tat was when hadi was going to leave,n then i keep on playing Wii with hillary n uncle hans until dinner.
dinner was nice n after tat charmaine, uncle hans ,hillary n me played poker n chatted for like 2 or 3 hours
so nice!
actually sometimes it's better to talk to someone who u re not very close then talking to someone who u re very close to cos it's often hard to say..
so we chatted n chatted n told each other bout the problems we had n oso talking bad bout others...but it's okay when u hate tat person too...haha
left charmaine's house at 9.20pm
haha cos we lost track of time cos we were having a good time listening to each other :DD
bus-ed with hillary n uncle hans to west mall
then took 157 home!
had a nice day yesterday :)
hope to have another C^4 outing soon!
i'll post the photos we took after hillary post the photos on to fb then i go kope :DD
everyone just need someone who listens to their problems, it's not neccesary
to give your advice to them, because all they need is a listener or someone who
they can pour their unhappiness to. I m not a person who gives good advice but i
m definitely someone who can provide a listening ear. :)
Friday, August 21, 2009
just now i type a whole long passage of wat i wanted to write n i was finished alr
then i dunno press wat then the thing is gone
it's not even in the drafts..
now i m damn super fed up with this thing le
WAT THE HELL???!!!!!!
@#$%&*!@?{@~!@#$%$#!$%$%^%%$!@#$% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
时间过了 走了
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
怎么了 你累了
说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了
爱淡了 梦远了
说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了
放手了 后悔了
时间过了 走了
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
怎么了 你累了
说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了
爱淡了 梦远了
说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了
放手了 后悔了
怎么了 你累了
说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了
爱淡了 梦远了
说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了
放手了 后悔了
累了 照惯例努力清醒着
好怕一放心睡了 心跳在梦中
听着 呼吸像浪潮摆动着
如果我连自己的脉搏 都难掌握
如果我变成回忆 退出了这场生命
我冰冷身体 拥抱不了你
我会恨自己 如此狠心
如果我变成回忆 终于没那么幸运
蹒跚牵着你 看晚霞落尽
若有人可以让他陪你 我不怪你
快乐 什么时候会结束呢
可知你是我生命中的 最舍不得
如果我变成回忆 退出了这场生命
我冰冷身体 拥抱不了你
我会恨自己 如此狠心
如果我变成回忆 终于没那么幸运
蹒跚牵着你 看晚霞落尽
若有人可以 让他陪你
如果我变成回忆 最怕我太不争气
顽固的赖在空气 霸占你心里每一寸空隙
这样不公平 请你尽力 把我忘记
i would just cry when i hear these 2 songs
i don't know why
but i just feel sad
i think i have split personality
in sch,i could be so cheerful and full of smiles
but at home,i could just be another person who don't smile at all
it's no wonder many ppl say my blog very emo
i'll just continue to be like this until...
i never thought that it would end this way...
Friday, August 14, 2009
this stupid blogger is making me dun wan to post anything anymore
maybe post some songs' lyrics which re very meaningful which i just started listening to them yesterday
心墙 - 郭静
一个人 眺望碧海和蓝天
在心里面 那抹灰就淡一些
好时光都该被宝贝 因为有限
不计画太多 反而能勇敢冒险
丰富地过每一天 快乐地看每一天
你的心有一道墙 但我发现一扇窗
紫.sè制作 QQ:253057646
不计画太多 反而能勇敢冒险
丰富地过每一天 快乐地看每一天
你的心有一道墙 但我发现一扇窗
你的心有一道墙 但我发现一扇窗
after listening to this song,i suddenly rmb of something tat i once heard of..
'When God closes a door for you,he will surely open another window.'
everyone has a barrier around their hearts,
so as to protect themselves from getting hurt.
only the person,
who you can truly trust,
will be the only one to go past that barrier.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i look like university graduate sia...

totally unglam?! :X
took all the photos above during the nanyang concert
this are not all,cos thr re more
i learnt my lesson, i always learn when i bleed...
today had history test!
i don think i did very well cos all my ans re 3/4
haha.. :X
but nvm,heck care cos i m prepared... ._.
i think wed is the day when we will always see ms poon..
see ms poon during history paper
see ms poon for CEP
see ms poon for eng
saw ms poon too when i went home today
CEP today was extremely funny cos we had to act out a roleplay
on the teenage pregnancy
tse yu's grp acted out the girl go and give birth
tse yu act as the girl and sit on the chair in front of a table while kevin hide below the table
ziwei acted as the husband
melvin acted as the doctor
kevin acted as the child
zhenjun acted as the foster parent n abuses kevin
then melvin acted as if to put the baby out n pulled kevin out
then tseyu was like 'AHH!!!AHH!!!'
haha then kevin jump out then zhenjun 'adopt' kevin
then zhenjun abuses kevin..
geo was nothing,just tat the stupid projector keep on auto shut down every 5 min!
then gregory had to go press the button for every 5 min
then was eng,
actually supposed to present the oral project but ms poon's comp cannot read my thumbdrive
then during PW,we had physics...
then had lunch but went back class late
mdm foo was alr in class
then dunno wat write wat thing lah
bout the formal letter
slept all the way until when she call us to rite the formal letter then i woke up..
then went home with justin n weiting n baocai
reached home around 4
based on wat i wrote,it seems like the day is damn boring n very fast too...
nothing to write then
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
today is geo common test!
didn't do very well
at least a pass???
so sad kevin cried after the test,cheer up!
tomorrow is HISTORY TEST
i totally swear to god tat i will NEVER EVER EVER take history when i m in sec 3
nvm,i m totally prepared to fail tomorrow's test
like wat my mom told me
i bet weiting is chiong-ing like siao for tomorrow's history test cos her quote for the day was:
ok..wat she said is quite true..
*sniff sniff*
hello CT. byebye CT. hello EOY!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
C^4 outing!
finally i can upload the pictures...
ok,this is only a few of the pictures cos i only have these..
thr re more on facebk,if u re interested..
ok,less crapping and start looking at the pictures!
(i realise my eyes are super damn!)

jiarong,hillary,hiddy,anna,suwai,me,charmaine,weiping,azaac,uncle hans & cq!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
yesterday was the C^4 outing!
so lazy to type le so copy n pasted azaac's version of yesterday's basketball scene..
then i suggested playing basketball! so we were like okay lets play basketball first then eat later. so we went to the court and started playing yup yup. then came along 2 kids. somehow naturally we formed a semicircle round the halfcourt to like signal to them we have "choped" the court and are using it but noooo they didnt get the message so they started shooting, and sometimes grabbed ours to shoot as well as if it was theirs. (patience level 9/10 heh still very full right?)
so in an attempt to "chase them off" cq and I suggested playing a match 2 on 2 with them in attempt to own them and chase them off but they declined and decided that we shud just shuffle players. okay. so we then accepted their proposal for a match and we asked the girls to play too. so we shuffled team and began playing.
at the beginning we just messed around with them, play here play there. i just guarded them while our "star player" of a kid went around with such great "poise" and "style" shooting like "michael jordan" he was like ,"watch me, im like michael jordan!" then he like air the ball or sth. EPIC FAIL. after playing a while and him hogging the ball, the other guy and him started to be rather annoying, laughging at our people when they missed and all. (patience level 8/10 not bad still can tahan)
then after a while it seemed that hil's patience was like 4/10 (warning. gonna explode le.) then she walked off court and sat on the bench. i also got abit sianned diao and walked off with her too. then like.. i waltz back onto the court as a ball flew down (solid actual basketball) and hit jl on the head then at first i thought its quite okay no problem but then she was like ow ow ow ow then hil's patience level was still at 1/10 (still hanging on to her temper) and we asked them to apologies but that brat just was like "it was an accident blah blah i dont need to apologise" and she was like BOOM 0/10 SUPER SAIYAANNNNNN and screamed screamed screamed her head off and i was like o.O stunned and so was everyone (my current patience level is... 7/10)
then after that really everyone walked off court and sat down. cq and I on court. he gave me a very stunned look and asked "what did we do wrong?" then i decided to be cordial and nice and replied "well, we were here first and you came on playing without our permission" then he was like "no... you gave us permission" (okay i didnt rmb whether we did so i just assumed we did) then i like asked him some philosohpical question LOL "so if we asked you to leave now, would you?" then he got stunned there and ignored me, just shooting here and there. (patience.. still 7/10 caus i was being nice right?)
then because they really wanted to play we decided to go ahead with the cq and I vs brat 1 and brat 2 (lol i dunno their name la) and played ard with them quite okay-ly and after awhile cq and i just like almost bully them T_T and they were like not very sporting la say we cheat here foul there and all but we just play on la. kids are kids k? lol. then after a while they said wanted to rest. so i went to rest also. but then cq still there and they came back le. so i was like. aiya cq u talk to them la.
so they made this uber deal which was. 2 of them vs cq. they only 3 pts to win, he nid 10 pts. so they played played played and we told cq to just fang all the ma guo qu so he really just fang. the score went like this. (comments by brats in brackets)
2-1 (okay we only need 2 more points to win)
3-1 (same as above)
4-1 (same as above)
5-1 (hey travelling! (when its not la ) )
6-1 (okay we only need 2 more points to win) LMAO LMAO LMAO
okay pause. here's where i evil-ly replied "didnt you say that 5 points ago? :P ah so evil
then.. 7-1 (hey he charged at me) when he didnt even touch them
8-1 (okay we only need 2 more points to win) HAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA we just sat there laugh at them
9-1 (okay how about we make the next point the last ball so lets set the score to 9-2)
so score was set to 9-2.
then the "star player" went again "watch me im michael jordan" then he owned himself and cq pwned them. HAHA.
after that my patience was still okay la. caus i was laughing at them so not angry at them. makes sense? so then they continued to shoot balls and i asked cq "eh you nvr make a deal with them that if they lose they must leave?" and he was like "i got wad but they now say dun haf" so i went in myself =P and talked to him.. like .. "hey you've played quite a lot already could you please leave now? thanks" then he completely daoed me. COMPLETELY DAOED ME. (patience drops with increasing rate) lol. (4/10)
he shoots another ball (3/10)
balls slips past me, he grabs it laughs and runs off, shooting again (2/10)
he continues to run around shooting. (1/10)
i was holding the netball. i threw it back to the bench people and said. "take the ball."
then i went up and like just took the ball from him. stared him in the eye. and immediately he knew like he was gonna die if he didnt leave. hm. staring prowess. then he immediately was like "sorry sorry we'll leave" and siamed out.
ah i feel evil this is the longest part of my post HAHA.
all credits to azaac!
had a wonderful barbeque dinner n went home with uncle hans n reached home..
i suggest everyone to go look at charmaine or hillary or azaac's blog cos it is definitely more detailed and got pictures too! i prefer hillary's blog.. :DDD
tat's all
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
i'm sorry
Monday, August 3, 2009
through the eyes of a teenager

Through the eyes of a teenager
Every day passes,
Reminding me of lessons to be learned.
Opportunities pass me by,
Showing me things to be earned.
I do not know life as an adult see it,
Only as a child and teen.
I can only guess what life is meant to be,
Based on what I've seen.
Today I learned of love,
And the pain that it may bear.
You can never know a peson's truth,
Behind the masks they wear.
I do not know the meaning of love,
Or why it is never true.
I'm unsure of so many things these days,
I know less than I thought i knew.
I find it's getting difficult,
To distinguish between bad from good.
And although it sounds cliche,
I am a child misunderstood.
I need to move on past from hurts,
Move to heaven from this hell.
I need to stand up to others,
And to myself as well.
I don't know how to tell,
A good friend from bad.
We talk behind each other's backs,
Ruining the trust we had.
When I stare into the mirror,
I see things I wish I could deny.
A fear of judgment and confrontation,
I can no longer look myself in the eye.
If everyone has to go,
Through torment and through pain.
If they understand the hurt,
That is another's gain.
If they can feel,
The burden of their fears.
And know the cost,
Of showing their tears.
If they know how it feels,
To have a lover or a friend.
Stab their backs with knives,
Why are they so cruel to say
These are the best years of our lives?
credits all to minshi!
taken this from minshi's blog.
this poem sets me thinking,wat have i done right in my teenage life?
wat have i done wrong in my teenage life?
after thinking,i realised tat the things mentioned in the poem we have all done it before.
let us be honest and face our true self,
have you done it too?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009

i recall all the memories we shared together,

i miss min shi n everyone frm JPS..
quotes definitely need to rmb
this post will sure b very interesting
having a mass conversation with all of the C^4 members on msn.
here re some quotes tat they said..
Hillary says:
1)a bitch is a female dog,and dogs bark. Barks grow on trees and trees are the beauty of nature.learn how to appreciate the word 'bitch'
2)ur objective is not to let her make u mad but herself go crazy
very short post