Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Ya, I hate it.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Been working for the past 4 days and tomorrow is my last day of work, for the week, at least. Next week still gotta work on 21/12, 22/12 and 23/12. $$$! HEHEH. Planning to my family a big feast after I get my pay. And maybe considering buying a coffee table for my family. Budget, below 200 bucks pls!
Well, I'm officially 15 already since my birthday was 2 days ago. Yeah someone spoilt my mood on that special day of mine. Nvm about that.
In fact, I wasn't really excited about my birthday, just that it's just another day and I needa go to work. SIAN.But for the sack of money, ya. I sound like a money freak.
But really, I AM POOR. Nothing changes that fact, not even when your birthday comes. Not like you'll get rich on your birthday or anything. It's just another normal day like any other, just that you feel a bit special cos it marks the ___th year that you are living on earth.
Anyway,I still enjoyed my birthday on a dinner date with family at weat mall. It was fun cos mom keep making weird noise and ugly faces and me and sis tried to imitate her but failed. Dad just kept laughing at mom HAHA. Dad was arguing with mom about which waitress serves our table and Dad says every waitress also can but Mom says only one serves one table. Then Mom was so brave to ask that waitress that she said, who she assumed to serve our table, and asked the waitress if she serves only our table.
The waitress was like HUH? and then HAHAHA No we serve every customer here. Then Mom was like so embarrassed HAHA. Me and sis just kept laughing and laughing. I'm glad I had a perfect family :)
I can't imagine what will it be like if I lost either one of my parents.
Okay it 1.30am in the morning, guess I shld sleep now since I'm working tomorrow.
Bye :)
Btw I realise I have a thing for tall guys with black framed specs. OMG.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Letter to myself.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
You know that it doesn't matter as long as we got each other.
Ohh ohh
It's alright, Oh It's alright
You know what they say
Life aint always easy and everyday
we're survivors
So forget the day
Its all about tonight at the school and start a riot, a riot be rebel
Bottles poppin til we cant stand
We keep it rockn til 6 am
New York to London over to Japan
Turn it up .. Turn It Up.. Mash it up
We gonna party like
Party like it's the end of the world
We gonna party like, like it's 2012
You know that it doesn't matter as long as we got each other
Turn it up.. Turn it up .. Mash it up
It ain't the end of the world
Gonna live like it's the end of the world
Gonna party like
Turn it up... Turn it up... Mash it up
It ain't the end of the world
[Nicki Minaj]
Simile's, metaphors and we pop pills
sick flow inundated with the doc bills
work hard, now we know how to top bills
in the middle of the street doing cartwheels
lot of them tryna do it but its not real
wasn't a rapper then I coulda got a pop deal
white girls in a hot pink hot wheels
lot of bottles and a lot of booty cocktails
uh, days of our lives
you wink it goes by
so we'll just get it with no edits
anything goes so no time for closed minds
and free my lil weezy
and lets just get right
Young Money, Cash Money in the building
lets go the World ends tonight
[Jay Sean]
have a drink with me
And lets make tonight go down
In history.. in history yeahh
lets make believe
Its the last 24 hours and this whole world is ours
eternally, eternally
Bottles poppin til we cant stand
We keep it rockn til 6 am
New York to London over to Japan
Turn it up .. Turn It Up.. Mash it up
We gonna party like
Party like, like its the end of the world
We gonna party like, like it's 2012
You Know that it doesn't matter as long as we got each other
Turn it up.. Turn it up .. Mash it up
It ain't the end of the World
We got live like its the end of the world
We gotta party like
Turn it up .. Turn It Up.. Mash it up
It aint the end of the world
No I'm not gonna follow
Anything that say anymore
It's never to late to start living
So let start it with here right now
Party like like its the end of the World
We gonna party like like it's 2012
You Know that it doesn't matter as long as we got each other
Turn it up.. Turn it up .. mash it up
It ain't the end of the world
We gonna live like its the end of the World
We gonna party like
The world
Because the world keeps spinning
The world keeps spinning around...

Friday, November 26, 2010
Would you run, and never look back?
Would you cry, if you saw me crying?
And would you save my soul, tonight?
Would you tremble, if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh? Oh please tell me this.
Now would you die, for the one you loved?
Hold me in your arms, tonight.
I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
Would you swear, that you'll always be mine?
Or would you lie?
would you run and hide?
Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind?
I don't care...You're here tonight.
I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
Oh, I just want to hold you.
I just want to hold you.
Am I in too deep?
Have I lost my mind?
I don't care...You're here tonight.
I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by your forever.
You can take my breath away.
I can be your hero.
I can kiss away the pain.
And I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
You can take my breath away.
I can be your hero.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Time flew.

Saturday, November 13, 2010
3 words. Could mean the whole world.
Friday, November 12, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Well I guess I don't really have the right to be sad after getting back my progess report.
Don't wanna talk about it, just plainly, sad.
I dropped in level position, and I didn't get what I wanted badly. I should have expected this in the first place.
Nvm, I'm sad. I wanna get out of 304.
Sure, I'll miss May Joey Noreen Huihui Shien Yingzhen, of course I will. But I need something that 304 doesn't have. But apparently, Edeline says too much of it is bad, just like her class 308.
Had lunch with 205 ppl, as usual. Saw suelynn they all, quite a big bunch of them, and I was, erm, not that I'm unhappy or what, but just sian diao all of a sudden. Then I turned back to my 205 ppl, and instantly forgot their presence. A small part of me, deep inside, wished that one day I wouldn't be in the same class as those ppl. Instead, I will have all my fav ppl in the same class. I know that's kinda selfish but still, can't help wishing, although I know it will never come true.
So no harm wishing, right?
Choir isn't much for me lately, since practices are so few. It's been a long time since I sat down(actually it's standing up) and sing properly like before, with no other stuff in my mind. I can't remember when was the last time. The last time I saw Ms yin? Maybe. Speaking of which, I kinda miss Ms yin's teaching and singing etc. Bet she's busy with her wedding, I guess.
Life's been boring. Chinese O lvls is coming. Sian big time.
Made a bullet list about me: (Cos I'm bored)
- Well, I hate soft toys.
- I cry like shit when you wake me up while I'm in a good sleep.
- I'm quite scared of ghost. Sometimes.
- I love veggies :)
- I'm short.
- I am 156 cm tall. I think.
- I'm turning 15 in around 2 month's time!
- I have mood swings, sometimes. Not because of periods, but because I like it.
- I hate to wear watches.
- I hate to have hair pins all over my head. That's why I always wonder why do girls like to put so many pins on their hair.
- I hate cutting fingernails. But I DO cut them, when neccessary.
- I like to shake my leg. Though I'm already trying my BEST to get rid of that habit of mine.
- I listen to KPOP but I don't look at Korean ppl.
- I don't have a favourite singer. That's why when ppl ask me whose's my fav singer and when I say don't really have, ppl always have that shock look on their face. Very shocking meh?
- I listen to songs because I like their song.
- I listen to songs which are meaningful.
- I don't listen to songs just because they are popular.
- I like to twist my wrist so that I always hear the cracking sound of the bone.
- I am fat. At least my mom thinks I am.
- I like being alone sometimes. Because it gives me time to think of certain stuff.
- I hate being alone in crowded places because it just gives me the feeling of emptiness.
- I can't really live without friends. Friends are like the second essential thing to me after food and water.
- Sometimes I envy people because they are smart and/or pretty.
- I envy people who are rich because they always get what they want. At least, most of the time they get what they want.
- But sometimes I'm glad that I'm not very rich as it allows me to cherish things.
- But still, sometimes I don't cherish stuffs. Such as relationships with others.
- I used to carry my bag real low in the past. But now, I think carrying a bag real low looks really ugly.
- I judge people. If you don't like it, just turn around and get the hell out of my sight.
- I treat you good because you treat me good. Simple? Treat me good and I'll treat you the same way back.
- I can be real nasty if I want to.
- I'm not a pushover because I DO have a temper.
- I like gossiping with my friends. Though it's not really good.
- I like having fun.
- I'm not a nerd who studies all day, I'm just forced by my mom.
- I am a computer noob because I don't know a lot of stuffs about computer.
- I have small eyes.
- I don't really have a lot of pimples. Which I thankful for that fact.
- I like to look at pretty girls. I'm not lesbian.
- I often look at ppl's legs.
- I know I'm weird.
- Guessed that I really bored but I certainly did make a long list of myself.
- Last but not least, I love chocolates. :) It makes me happy!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wanted to start on something emo-ish, which was on my mind when I was watching the tv just now. But then I suddenly remember of what May told me about my style of blogging.
She said, I only blog when I'm emo and that's why it makes all my posts emo-ish.
Well, that's kinda true cos I'm too busy happy-ing when I'm happy,thus no time to blog.
Haha ok shall get back to what I want to say just now.
Certainly hope anyone from 304 who reads this will not get misunderstood. I'm just saying out what I want to say.
After the class chalet, I realise my class is really politic.
Everyone is doing their own stuff, which makes it no point of having a class chalet. But still, I want to thank Suemae because I recognise her effort of trying to make the class more bonded. However, quoted from Yewshen, There are just some people in the class who you can never get along with. For that, I TOTALLY agree.
Up till now, I still think that this class chalet was a bit wasted/ruined or whatever-word-you-use-to-describe-'screwed'. It makes it no different from having a chalet which your own clique of people. The only difference is, we sleep in the same chalet together.
At least, you get to sleep on the bed when you have a chalet with your clique and there's no need for everyone to cramp together in one little room. And plus, you know what, you don't need to get fed up or bu4 shuang3 or whatsoever! WOW! HOW GREAT!
Well, my point is, STOP being selfish and STOP thinking only for yourself. Like HELLO? I'm here??? Don't you see me cos I'm like quite noticable and I'm like,quite BIG size? If you don't see me, then I seriously advice you to go for a check up for your eyes.
Oh or maybe it's too dark for you to see me alone but I trust that you DO see the 5 or 6 people sleeping on the floor? Or maybe you missed that too. Oh or do you need to go for a ear check up too cos we gave you like, TWO warnings? And please have some respect for us. Too bad there's isn't a course like How-to-treat-people-with-respect. Or maybe I can start a course like that myself and I'll be your tutor. Then I should start thinking about the course fees too.
Oh how great. Now all your doings and getting you into trouble with the others. Don't blame others when you suffer the consequences because you were the one who made this happen.
Wow I'm so great. Proud of myself.
Feel so shuang after ranting.
Okay really feel offensive but, who cares.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Back to the days when life is without you.
Many things happened to my life recently, loss and gain.
Mostly I can thought of, is loss.
But I don't regret my decision. Since I made that decision, I will not regret it.
Thanks yingying, for being there for me in my times of need and advice.
No one wanted this kind of ending.
But at least, it ended rather beautifully for me.
Yesterday was Mid autumn celebrations, bascially screwed performance.
No one's fault, but can't help to have that strain in the heart.
After all the hardwork. After all the sweat.
Shall not say more about it, I'm just simply tired.
EOYs are in about 2 weeks' time. So quick. Shall start mugging for them.
Zoning out.
there's never a right time to say goodbye. but i wish you find happiness.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Been quite a hectic week this week.
Mon's sch.
Tues is Teacher's Day!
ACES day and Mass walk to Clementi woods park again -.-
Concert was not bad. Dance performance was........not best but THE BEST.
Chiong back to JPS.
Saw lots of old primary school friends and ate at JPS. Wow the food thr is still as delicious and CHEAP as ever.
One big cup of milo only cost 40 cents. WOW. JPS's milo is the best milo I ever drank in my entire life.
Miss primary sch life sooooo much.
Mrs Shum wasn't there. She had to take care of her kids. Jovan? Haha.
Saw huang lao shi. Still as PRETTY as ever!
Oh yeah this time I finally managed to give Minshi her present which I personally made for her during last year Nanhua's Openhouse?! Haha, hope Minshi like the keychain I made for her! :)
Got out of sch quite early and slacked at the void deck nearby.
Was quite frustrated with the guys cos they were so undecisive about whr they wanted to go.
In the end we went NO WHR.
Slack at the playground near the canal for 2h plus. Like what we always do. Every year!
Went home.
Ok actually I totally no mood to blog today. Tired + I cant figure out my thoughts.
Days been slow for me recently.
Yingying's words kept ringing in my head. To put in more trust and faith. But how am I suppose to do that when you are doing this? Stop killing my spirits. Suffering inside, and tears well up my eyes. I don't want to keep wiping off my tears anymore. What should I do?
Want to tell but I don't know where or even how to start. Someone, anyone, tell me what to do.
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010
If you realise, this is the chocolate that Mr Wong gave for ppl who got A1 for the Physics Class test on Refraction! But he gave us the dark chocolate de. Mine is Milk chocolate! HEEHEEHEE MY FAVVVVV.
All Milk Chocolates ROCK.
Even talking about chocolates makes me go HIGH.
Well I'm bored to death at home, as usual.
Shall end this post with the hilarious photo of my sis.
Totally lighten up my day today! :)
Gogogo to now!
Currently watching Meteor Garden 2 the China version now. Getting more sad and sad.
Commons is over,which is a good thing, but now I totally have nothing to do at home.
Other than using the comp, watching tv, sleep, eat, thr's nth left for me to do.
Boringggg. Realise EOY is in 6 weeks' time. Yet don't have the sense of urgency to study.
Tues is Teacher's Day! As well as Aces Day, not to mention. Mass walk in the morning again. I really hope that it rains in the morning! :D :D :D PLS PLS PLS RAIN :)
Gonna meet up with all pri sch friends and I'm so excited :)
Wed gonna go out with all my 205 beloved :)
Well I suddenly thought of this:
My Sec 3 life will also be ending in a few months' time and my sec 4 life is already prepared.
I still rmb ranting abt 304 at the start of this year, saying stuff like 'I hate 304' or those i-am-emoish-cos-i-am-not-happy-in-my-class stuff. It felt like only 1 month ago but it has alr been more than half a year. Time goes so fast, things changing for me so fast. But I certainly hope friendship doesn't change, people doesn't change.
But people won't always stay the same. People always change to adapt to their own environment, to adapt in order to live better in it. People change because they want something.
What do you want?
Has anyone told you that you have changed? Think about it.
Realise my every post is like reflection on myself.
You think so too?
Friday, August 27, 2010
One more week to sch end.
Everything seem to go so fast. It felt like sch just reopen-ed from June holidays.
But now only left 1 week to sch end.
Not like I'm sad that sch's ending but I'm sad that time is going so fast.
Sch was fine today, as usual.
Went home alone today, suddenly it hit me while I was walking to the bus stop that it's been a long time since I went home alone. Feels weird, but not too bad.
Going to the 198 bus stop brings memories. Sitting on that bench waiting for the bus brings memories. Memories that I will keep them close to my heart. Sometimes I do regret,though. I would be lying if I say I did not regret my decision. But, reality is just like that. Nothing now can be brought back to the past.
Saw Martin when I got down the bus. In fact he was on the same bus as me, just that I was too dumb to notice cos I was so sleepy. Talked to him for a while, did he grow taller? Haha maybe. All the while he was very tall. Teacher's Day is coming and I going back to JPS! *excited*
We parted and I started thinking, things are not as awkward as it was before. We are good friends again. That's a good thing :)
Been ignored by someone recently and it pisses me off and hurts me too. Heard frm others that he currently jio-ing someone. Maybe this is good for him. But still, that doesn't give him rights to ignore me and blah blah stuff like that. Complained to Jaslyn and she said, 'OH THIS IS NORMAL WAT.他就是这种人.' Hmm. Maybe 你真的是这种人,只是我之前没有看清你.
Ok today found out sch 2nd floor lift lobby got my (PRETTY) photo. Here it is................................................................................................................................................
Haha unglam much but that was taken in sec 2! Didn't realise my fringe was so long.
Haha tat's all for today :)
Byebye :D
Friday, August 20, 2010
Dont make me wanna give up on trying.
Stop killing my emotions and seriously,
Stop dampening my spirits.
Sometimes just dont feel connected. Maybe it's cos of the ppl, maybe it's cos of the environment, or maybe, it's cos of me. Feel like there's a river that is between me and them and they wont walk to me cos that river might just kill them and I'm too afraid to step to the river becos they dont wanna try. 1 year plus more to go. Cant possibly live like that. Miss 205 badly. BADLY.
But still, a big thank you to some really nice ppl in my class like May Joey Noreen Huihui Shien and I like laughing with them. Although most of the times we are all laughing at Noreen's stupid comments or actions. Cos she's our joke :)
Thanks to HOR YINGYING and SHARMAINE TANHUIMIN, I managed to survive through this months. Thanks to Choir, for being my all-time escape from the busy Sec 3 life. Thanks to all my fav choir buddies and special thanks to my Choir Comm Top 6!
Thanks to you, being there for me even when I cry in front of you and when you ask me what happened I dont tell you and you just simply said, 'Cry, and after crying, things will be okay.'
Thanks to you for always singing at my ear when you know your singing sucks but still continue singing cos ur singing makes me laugh.
Thanks for making me feel safe.
Bye :)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Woo 6 papers down, 3 more to go!
Yay! 2moro is a maths and bio then fri is physics.
I wanna go out on sat!!! But.....:(
Well. I'm mad damn bored so I just changed the background picture of my blog.
Anyway, thanks to May for commenting on my previous previous previous post!
Thanks a lot :)
The blue ssky is damnnnn niceeee.
Bye :)
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010
So, yesterday went with YINGYING to vivo to look for wallet but.......
So lousy!! D:
But thr's only 2 roxy outlets in Singapore and the other one is at Plaza Sing.
So maybe if I have the time I would go thr to take a look but I suddenly rmb I can go Queensway Shopping centre to take a look first.
But that will be after the Commontests end. Which is like 2 weeks later.
Ok guessed I digress a little.
So me and ying went many other shops to look around. Sadly,nth seems to catch our eyes.
But we did buy sth. We brought couple earpiece! :) Bling bling. Cos thr is fake diamond on the earpiece.
Then train-ed back to Clementi. Yingying went to find her friend while I waited for Edeline to come. Edeline came while I was on the phone.
Ate subway with edeline and it was great! It's nice to talk to her cos it seems like we have endless topic to talk abt. Sometimes I really think edeline and me are really alike! Yingying thinks so too :)
Walked to sch and assembled. Chong ee was being funny again haha. But he can be really fierce in Band(according to edeline) and he always has to be the bad guy.
Guess that thr is no bad guys in Choir, is thr? Everyone is so gentle and thr isn't anyone who is particularly fierce in Choir. Maybe cos Choir is mostly girls and better to deal with?
So got to Marina Platform and got our costumes! It was quite nice, UNTIL WE SAW THE SOCKS. The socks is like so long which reaches until our knee caps? -.- We looked like christmas carols. I like the jacket,though. Can wear to sch and show off a little. HAHA.
Oh and we got free sch shoes. YAY no need to buy extra le :)
So we danced danced danced. BORING.
But the whole platform was full, all the audiences were present.
Felt that this YOG opening ceremony is NOTHING COMPARED to Beijing's Olympic opening ceremony. Totally. One is 'WOW!' while the other is 'OK...' and ya, u noe which one is the 'WOW!' one.
Ok I shld seriously stop digressing.
Left the F1 pit directly cos I was taking Cheryl lim's car. Thanks cheryl! Although she will not see this but still,ya.
Cheryl's dad is so cute! Cheryl showed me a photo whr her dad was trying to act PAI while wearing cheryl's shades & Wearing a doramon shirt! Haha the shirt totally contradicts the image of PAI. haha thanks to cheryl's dad, I got to eat tiramisu at Fullerton Hotel. OMG it was so high class. Me and cheryl were like sitting in the middle and eating our cakes and some angmor sometimes will stare at us and whisper to themselves. I noe, both of us totally looked like country bumpkin.
Got home and bath. Slept at 1 plus.
Woke up at 10.43 today,woken up by my sis cos she keeping hitting my arm.
Prepared and went to meet up with Charmaine first then Hans then Hillary.
Met jiarong and weiping at Eunos mrt and then waited for Hidaya to come.
Had lunch at a kopitam and then headed to ECP.
Wow the weather today was damn humid.
Rent bikes and this 3 wheel thingy.
the 3 wheels thingy is sth like thr are 1 wheel in front and 2 wheels behind. U got to stand on the thing and move the thing which ur hands and legs. Full body workout!
U can go see the pictures posted on facebook to see how the thingy looks like.
Cycled and played and photo-ed.
Then went home with C,Hans and Hillary.
Took a train home and then while I was waiting for the bus to come to get home,mom called me and nagged at me for why coming home so late cos she was waiting for me to go out with her and dad and sis. Guessed I shouted at her tat I dont wan to go out and I'm tired.
I hang up the phone and 1 sec later I felt so guilty.
Always I've been going out with my friends and the last time I went out with family was like, I DUNNO WHEN?! Mom always said tat to me and I always just ignored her.
I've been really neglecting my family. But I was so stressed.
Cos of YOG, mainly. I really hate myself for not being able to spend time with family.
But on the bus I was still blaming my mom for being so unreasonable.
After I got down the bus, I saw mom dad and sis at the bus stop. I was still piss-ed then.
Then my mom and dad suddenly asked me. '今天玩得开心吗?累不累?'
I suddenly realise mom and dad were so concerned abt me. Managed to hold back my tears while talking to them. After they got up the bus and I turned around, I broke down.
On the way walking to the stairs, I kept crying and crying.
I dont noe tears are cos I was touched or I was stressed. Normally I cry like tat cos I was stressed.
Made a pact with myself that, for the future, I will always make time to spend with my family. Even if time is so tight for me. So sorry to mom and dad and sis. I dont wan to regret it next time if my parents pass away. Of cos, I would nvr wan them to die. But life is just like tat. You live, then you die. Dad is alr 55. I'll be lying if I say I'm not scared that he will leave me. I want to cherish every moment I have with mom and dad. Wouldn't wan to miss out a single thing.
I'm grateful that I have a perfect family and I will not take it for granted.
Most importantly, I dont wan to regret.
Cherish everything while you still can.
Ok suddenly my post become so emo-ish.
Wow this post took me an hour to complete.
Shall go and eat dinner.
Bye :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Chionging homework now,later gonna go out with beloved YINGYING to vivo and get that chio wallet! Maybe getting the grey one:) Really really hope that I can find the wallet I want!
After that then will be heading to sch for YOG rehearsal today! Sigh whole day is wasted again. But at least I can get my wallet! PROVIDED I CAN FIND IT. If I cant find it,then seriously my whole day is wasted.
2moro gonna meet up with Minshi and other pri sch friends first,cos celebrating national day baby MARTIN's bday. Then after tat will meet up with C^4 ppl to celebrate HANS' bday. Woo~
Better start writing birthday cards first to both of them.
Yesterday was National Day celebration! It was quite....awesome? I sang for Home, Limhui sang for My Island Home, while Charmaine got to sing her fav Song for Singapore! Haha, I was so nervous up thr.
After the celebration, went out with Yingying, chenfeng and yeesiang to JP. Initially wanted to eat pizza hut but it was bombarded by students. So went to Long John for lunch.
Then I headed home while the other wanted to watch The Last Airbender but they did not in the end. Got home and watched drama on comp until dinner time! I have so much to catch up with.
After dinner went running. Haha didnt run much, most of the time I was sitting on the bike.
Got home and slept :)
Ok shall go prepare now then shall be puntual and meet YINGYING! :D
i want to go JC asap. Get out of this mess this sch is giving me. Know new friends and i seriously need another new environment to live in or even study in,
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Just changed my blogskin. I really like the blossoms.
This is the only blogger template that I like.
The others are just sucky to the max.
2moro's National Day Celebration and it would be erm..not fun.
Mom wont let me go out after the celebration thingy cos I need go home take care of my sis.
KNS. Sigh big time.
Ok going off. Shall blog 2moro.
feeling more and more pathetic.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
WOOOOOOOO. Yo ppl out thr.
Sec 3 has been rather busy recently, with all the CIPs and YOG rehearsals.
2moro's Bio test, btw. And I haven start my revision yet.
Btw yesterday was ACSI's Guitar & Choir concert.
Too bad Hadi didn't go cos he was having high fever and resting at home.
So, me sharmaine yingying and chenfeng watched the concert cos sharmaine's friend was performing. Got home at 7.
Got home at around 10 haha.
Was so exhausted. Thigh was aching. Lucky not the calf, cos I dont wan muscles growing at my calf. Felt lighter. HEEHEEHAAHAAHOOHOO. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Ok off to mug for bio now. BYEBYE. :)
Friday, July 16, 2010
I just want my Sec 3 life peace and quiet with my best friends(Sharmaine Yingying Kina Weiting) and with my 304 girls like May Joey Limin Philis Huihui Shien Yingzhen Wanping Noreen (hope i didnt miss out anyone) and spend recess and class times laughing together and my choir buddies like Jaslyn Limhui Charmaine Joanne Jerlene and having fun.
Why is this happening?
HELLO? I'm like stressing here, YOG practices which is FREAKING HELL from 1 in the afternoon until midnight and Choir combine concert and Common test is coming and CIP programmes and I'm spending lesser and lesser time with my best friends and I've yet celebrated Jinnyuan and Henry's birthday and now here u are, adding to my burden.
Life's hard for me. Please please please dont do this. I'm going to break down.
Sec 3 life is tiring. Why cant life be simple? Maybe just a little bit more simpler will help me A LOT.
Some people in class now are like always discriminating their own classmates and they think that it's fun,mostly guys and some girls. I couldnt agree more to what Wanping said abt our class de guys, all BASTARDS. Come on lah, only half a year is gone and people are discriminating ppl from their own class. What do you expect when it comes to when we are graduating? Everyone will turn into enemies? What's wrong with your minds lah. Everyone has flaws okay, and stop, PLS JUST STOP thinking that you are perfect or even better than the person you are discriminating. Criticising other people doesn't make you a even better person. It will just show that you are just much more worse.
Everyone has flaws, why cant we just accept their flaws cos that's just who they are?
Just because you dont like that person, it doesnt give u the rights to criticise that person.
It's just so saddening to see classmates saying bad things abt another classmate when they were once so close.
Btw today Fatty yeo was a total slut bitch etc etc. Charmaine didnt do anything wrong right? Because she was concern abt her studies, that doesnt mean she is not fit to be a leader alright.
Because she was concerned, that makes her a good leader who cares abt wat's best for her. Fatty yeo have absolutely no rights to said that C is not fit to be president of choir. Because she is CCA IN CHARGE, SHE DUA IS IT. Someone ask her go f*ck the wall or sth.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Hello ppl!
Well,i know i said i will close my blog for a while but....
I still miss blogging.
But I wont blog as much though.
Currently spamming GLEE songs.
Season finale came out on FOX.
But I'm still at season 1. WTH.
Going to HILLARY's concert later with C4 ppl.
2moro is C4 OUTING! First year anniversary.
C^4 FTW.
We are all a part of the Crazy Combine Choir Club.
Wow time flew past us so fast!
It was already 1 year since I attended 2009 SYF Presentation.
Rmb on the first practice, I went with minshi and her sch de ppl.
Then, i didnt really get to know the others.
But thanks to charmaine, after the performance, I got to know all the great awes-mazing ppl.
Throughout the year, we went to concerts together and met up occasionally.
I'm really grateful that I had great friends who are all so great and pretty (pretty hillary(Y) + pretty uncle hans (?) HAHA. ) and who can all sing SO WELL and we could get along so well and joke around and have fun together. During concerts we will discuss about how the choir did and whether they were good. (Normally very good lah,if not how to have concert?!) and we will always sing Singaporean Medley when we feel like singing together. Ondei ondei~! But normally we will sing until halfway then give up cos we often forget the lyrics or the notes. HAHA. But I still love the song. :)
Last but not least, I LOVE U GUYS AND I ENJOY SINGING WITH U ALL. Happy 1st Year Anniversary! :D
2moro is Youth day and hope everyone enjoys the day!
Byebye :)
Aww,oral is in 4 days. :(
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Isn't it just beautiful.
Oh man it's the last day of the holidays and 2moro school's going to reopen.
Still left 10 more chinese comprehension but I've alr given up on completing all of it.
'The Host'
Wanderer didnt believe Ian that he loved her cos Wanderer knew that she has just a soul.
Wanderer thought Ian was just in love with the body, not the soul.
Then Ian told Wanderer this.
''It's not the face, but the expressions on it.
It's not the voice, but the things you say.
It's not how you look in that body, but the things you do with it.
You are beautiful.''
Oh my god I nearly cried when I read until this part.
Hope 'The Host' the movie would come out soon.
I'm SO going to watch it when it comes out.
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Oh god it's 12 midnight already.
Actually I stayed up to wish szelim HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Just finished my book 'The Host' by Stephenie Meyer.
I seriously recommand this book!!!
When I was reaching the end I cried like hell.
Normally I cry silently but today I really cried.
Just cant control the voice and then let it out. It was really loud. It's been a really long time since I heard my own crying cos normally thr was no sound when tears fall.
Scared the wits out of my mom and sis haha.
They thought I had some sad stuff or whatever.
Good Book!! :D
Ok it's really late now and 2moro I'm going to meet up with joeylim haha.
byebye :)
i'll put on my smile:) i'll promise.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Giving In.
hey MINSHI! Happy 15th birthday :) I'm really glad that I know you, you know. Glad that I could be ur best friend :D We have graduated from Jurong pri for 3 years alr and I'm really glad we are still keeping in touch. And plus,we are still good friends! I miss those times where we went home together and going mac together after sch. Now that you and I are so busy, we seldom have time to meet up with each other. But I'm really glad that sometimes we still message each other and you'll always send me chain msg that says abt friendship. I know our friendship will last, cos this is true friendship. :) Although we might not talk as often as we did before, but in our hearts we both know that each other has an important place in our hearts :) Love you lots!
It's mon and the last week of the holidays. D:
The others have went to the Malaysia trip this morning and I'll really miss them! Weiting,sharmaine and yingying. :)
Going out with family today,going to watch Karate Kid :D Heard from the others that it's a great show! Haha cant wait :)
byebye :D
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hello. Doing my chinese book review now. SIAN DIAO TO THE MAX.
It's going to be minshi's birthday in 2 days' time! :D
But I'll only be celebrating with her on thurs. Very belated.
Anyways, I look forward to seeing my best friend :)
Haven seen her since, I DONT KNOW WHEN!
March holidays? I dont think so.
My 14th bday? She wasnt allow to go out.
Dec holidays? I forgot! D:
Minshi's going to have a concert on Wed and I really wish her concert would be a success and GOOD LUCK to her! Too bad I cant go. ):
Choir was great yesterday. Combine practice with hwachong & st. geb.
After choir practice had a lunch outing with the exco of hwachong and st. geb.
It was, sorta good? Sort of.
Me and liyin left early, while the others were playing games.
Today I'm stuck at home ): Need to chiong homework sia.
Hillary's concert is coming! 4 july :)
Cant wait to see all the C4 ppl.
Byebye :)
you were the first thought that comes to my mind when i woke up this morning. and i hate myself for that.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hello world! :)
It been quite a while since I properly posted something.
Ever since back from Taiwan, I dont feel like doing anything at all!
Homework still left un-touched.
Tons of things to do disheartens me.
Was suppose to have 6A Outing this mon but many ppl cant make it. So it was postponed and I dont know postpone to when exactly. Might as well say it was cancelled.
Tues had maths remedial and more homework. D:
Wed was combined choir rehearsal with hwachong guys. Ice breaking games was, erm, quite a fail thing for my grp. I was like down thr ZI-HIGHING and the 2 hwachong guys were like totally SIAN DIAO.
But the practice was great, it's the best and I put in so much effort into singing! Me and Jaslyn were like straining our voice out. Though very tiring but it's worth it and we enjoyed the whole thing cos we ACTUALLY SOUNDED QUITE GOOD! :D
Dont know how to put it in a more simpler way, so the main thing is, I LOVE NH CHOIR AND I LOVE SINGING.
Sometimes I sing so as to escape from reality that I dont want to face.
Sometimes I sing so as to feel happy.
Sometimes I sing because I love the way I only focus on solely ONE thing.
Sometimes I sing because that's when I dont feel any sadness but only the song.
Mostly, I sing because I want to sing.
Maybe I might have say that I wont join choir again when I go to JC but I cant be sure. Choir is now a part of my life now, not only because it is my CCA, but because it's my passion now. Although it will be more tiring when it comes to JC, but I guess I can handle it.
Suddenly I became so inspiring. HAHA I think I know I learnt from who. GADB!
GADB has been telling me so many inspiring things lor.
Once I told him that I always go out of tune when I sing and he told me,
Not everyone is perfect. You may go out of tune sometimes but definitely not more than you did when you were in sec 1. Cos its these imperfections that keeps you carrying on improving. It like a race. Not going out of tune is the finishing line. If everyone doesnt go out of tune, there wont be a finishing line for you to move towards to.
So inspiring right.
2moro thr's another combine choir practice with hwachong and I'll always rmb the inspiring things GADB told me.
Ok shall go now, post again when I feel like to.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
My memory card formated itself and thr we go, NO MORE PHOTOS LEFT.
Today's choir practice was not bad. Quite good.
Went to take the trophy for seniors for 2moro's ROD.
Maybe going to close my blog.
Sian of blogging.
byebye :)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Hello ppl! Vanessa Hudgens's 'Say ok' keep replaying in my head.
Just came back from C's house for Choir planning.
Wow I'm flying off 2moro! WOO!
Hillary's concert was great, I enjoyed it quite a lot. (except when MGS was singing)
MGS primary de choir was super cute de haha!
MGS wasn't so good, but according to H, they shld have been quite good. SHLD HAVE BEEN.
Went for supper after the concert and went home at 10.
OMG damn scary cos I was alone at the bus stop waiting for 157.
CREEPY. Lucky sl was talking, if I would have totally freaked out. We kept talking abt pigs and chickens.HAHA. & he was so noble to sarcrifice his sleeping time. haha.
Sun went to celebrate WEITING'S birthday with her, plus baocai and zhengyu.
Went to BUGIS and me and weiting was SHOPPING while the 2 guys dragged along.
Weiting felt so bad for them and kept telling them sorry while I just continued shopping haha.
Weiting brought a white jacket for 10 bucks and I brought a shirt for 10 bucks too.(see below)
Weiting brought herself a pair of earrings and we both brought bangles!
Super tired de! Zhengyu & baocai brought a pig dustbin for weiting while I made something for weiting but I dunno wat to call it. Hope weiting enjoyed SUNDAY, and BIG BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU IN ADVANCE! :DD
Went home and went out with family to JP, wearing my newly brought shirt :)